72 - Daddy

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"How do I look?"

I gave my audience a little twirl. Nobody said anything.


He was looking at me as though he wanted to throw up. I realised my voice didn't even sound like mine - it had turned into a soft, dangerous one. A voice that was coldly familiar to me.

"I- I'm sorry, I just... can't-" Draco turned away from me and strode off to the other end of the church.

"I take it it worked then?" I sighed sadly, wishing I could comfort Draco. But fat chance of that happening when I looked like this.

"Too bloody well," Ron said, giving a low whistle.

"Mum?" Albus said, his mouth hanging open, "I can't believe that's you in there!"

"It-it is pretty creepy," Scorpius agreed, staring at me in awe. "So this is what it's like to meet the second most famous wizard of all time."

"Second?" Albus asked, enquiringly.

"Well, after your mum of course," Scorpius grinned.

That kid was getting the biggest Christmas present ever this year.

"Come on, we have no time to waste!" Hermione hurried. "Etta, remember what we discussed - you go and circle the church slowly, once you are sure Delphi has spotted you, come straight back in. We'll be hiding behind those doors," she pointed to a pair of big oak doors, "waiting for you to lure her to this spot here," she pointed to where the light was hitting the floor from the stained glass window.

"And then we'll zap her," Ron said making a gun gesture with his hand.

Hermione gave a loud tut, rolling her eyes. I could tell she was wondering why we ever let him tag along.

I nodded, my heart beating wildly. "Okay, okay, let's do this." I started for the door, pausing as I reached it. "I love you guys."

I turned to look at them, but they were all just staring at me as though I had grown another head.

"That just seems seriously weird coming from you, looking like that." Ron blurted out.

I looked to where Draco was stood at the far end of the church, but he wouldn't turn around. Sighing, I pushed open the door.

"I love you, Etta," I heard Draco call. Smiling, I walked out of the church, knowing that Draco would not want a reply. Not from Lord Voldemort at any rate.


At last I heard footsteps. It was her. It had to be. Yet every time I looked back over my shoulder, there was no one there.

My heart thudding nervously, I headed back to the church and said nothing until I was safely inside.

"Whichever witch or wizard is following me," Voldemort's cold voice drawled loudly from my lips. "I assure you; you will regret it."

"Lord. Voldemort. It is me. I am following you."

Slowly, I turned around, and came face to face with Delphi, who was hovering in the doorway.

"I do not know you. Leave me."

"I am your daughter," she said, looking at me in complete awe - almost affection.

"If you were my daughter, I'd know of you."

"I am from the future. The child of Bellatrix Lestrange and you. I was born in Malfoy Manor before the Battle of Hogwarts. A battle you are going to lose. I have come to save you."

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now