66 - Beg Again

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Making sure that the boys were happy and settled in Hogwarts, Draco and I returned home.

We had had no luck in locating the Time-Turner, but we left it in Minerva's capable hands, deducing it could only be in the lake.

For the first time, a contentedness settled upon us knowing that Albus and Scorpius were embracing our new family dynamic.

"I heard what you said to Al," Draco murmured, stroking my hair as we curled up on the sofa together later that night, "about how you spent years believing you were nothing to me."

I stiffened. "You weren't meant to hear that."

"I know, I'm sorry, but I did." Draco sighed, pulling his arms tight around me, kissing the top of my head as he did so. "And I want to set you straight. I've never stopped loving you. And no, I should never have gone along with the marriage to Astoria when my heart belonged to someone else. It was wrong. But it's true, you've always had it, Etta. You know, even from the moment you walked into Madam Malkin's, back when we were just eleven years old, I honestly believe in some way - some how - that you, Henrietta Potter, have been in my thoughts every day since. So please, don't ever think that there has been any time in my life since then that you've meant little or nothing to me."

A small bubble of laughter rose in my chest as I tilted my face up to look at him. "That's sweet, Draco, but I don't think so. We used to hate each other!"

"Did we, though?" Draco murmured, his grey eyes piercing up into mine. "Because I think deep down we enjoyed it, well - I know I did."

"You made the entire school badges with the words 'Potter Stinks' on them."

"Exactly." He smirked. "Do you know how long that took me to make those? I got blisters for you, my love."

"Draco, if you wanted to impress me then why didn't you just buy me a Chocolate Frog or something?"

"Oh, come on!" He scoffed, throwing his head back in amusement. "You would have been totally dismissive and laughed at me in front of the whole school! Getting your back up was so much more fun, especially when you wanted to fight. You had this look in your eyes, this spark if you will. They were wild, fierce and so fucking-"

"What do mean were?" I cut in furiously. "Are you saying they no longer do something for you?"

"On the contrary, Potter," he drawled, his breathing becoming suddenly laboured. "Do you even realise how hard I am right now?"

My eyes flicked down towards his crotch, seeing the tell-tale bulge. Fuck, he wasn't wrong.

"I seemed to remember you threatening to kill me for being better at you on the broomstick, and then me kneeing you in the balls in response. I didn't realise you were into that sort of thing." I sniggered.

Draco's silver grey eyes glinted wickedly up at mine right before he decided to violently tickle my sides. I squealed, trying to jump off of him, but in one swift movement, he spun me off the sofa onto the floor on my back, straddling me as he did so.

"You. Were. Not. Better. Than. Me. On. The. Broomstick." Draco punctuated, as he continued to tickle me whilst I squirmed wildly underneath him, gasping for air between my laughter.

"Stop!" I pleaded, breathlessly, not being able to take this torture anymore, "I'm begging you!"

He ceased the tickling immediately, and still straddling me, took my wrists in his hands and pinned them to the floor above my head. Breathing heavily on top of me, he moved his lips to my ear, "tell me I'm better on the broomstick, and I'll let you go, Potter," he drawled, a hint of seduction in his voice, making my stomach knot in desire.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now