67 - The Niece

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"It's the middle of the night! This is completely against the rules!"

Draco and I had barged into Albus and Scorpius's dormitory, hurriedly heading for their beds.

"I need to find my son." I spat at the annoying Slytherin boy who reminded me strongly of Percy.

"I know who you are, Miss Potter," he said pompously, "but even you must understand that it's against school covenant for parents or professors to enter a house quarters without express permission from-"

"Please don't be tiresome, Craig."

We all whirled around to see Minerva charging in behind us.

"You got our message? Good." Draco nodded at Minerva before turning to glare back at the boy called Craig.

"Headmistress. I'm - I was just-" Craig spluttered, his face going red.

But at this point I had reached Albus's bed and had pulled open the green drapes.

"He's gone!" I choked, my heart in my throat as my worst fear was confirmed.

"So's Scorp," Draco declared, having just torn open Scorpius's bed drapes.

"Then let's turn this school upside down." Minerva said in a brusque manner. "Craig, we've got work to do."

And with that, she marched Craig out of the room, leaving Draco and I to stare at one another in mutual horror.

"Haven't we been here before?" Draco sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"Something feels even worse this time," I shivered, feeling the panic rise in my chest. "They were happy, they were fine. They would not just run away again."

Draco immediately crossed the room to me and pulled me tightly into his arms.

"It's okay, Etta, we've found them once before, we'll find them again." He cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips firmly against my forehead, soothing the prickling pain in my scar.

"I'm scared, Draco." I whispered, my voice quivering as my heart thudded fearfully in my chest.

Draco let go of my face and firmly took hold of my hands. "I'm not leaving your side, Potter. Together we'll find the boys. They'll be fine and we can go home and enjoy the rest of our lives. I promise you."

I wished I shared his confidence.


With Minerva and Craig having no luck at Hogwarts, Draco and I hotfooted it to the Ministry.

We ran straight to Hermione's office, barging in without knocking and stopped short at the sight before us.

Hermione was sat on her desk, a bowl of porridge sat untouched next to her, and a Ron Weasley in between her legs, ramming his tongue down her throat.

It was fucking disgusting.

They sprang apart, looking flustered at our unexpected - and I'm sure unwelcome - interruption.

"Etta! And Draco - how... um... lovely to see you-" Hermione stuttered turning a bright shade of red that gave Ron's hair a run for its money.

"The dreams." I said dramatically, having no time for niceties. "They've started again, well, they haven't stopped."

"And the boys," Draco added, stepping up to my side as he curled an arm around my waist, "Scorpius and Albus - they've gone missing."

"Again?" Ron asked looking confused.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now