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"They're ready for you, boys,"

Albus and Scorpius looked up from where they were sat in the plush waiting room chairs. Draco could not help but chuckle at their nervous expressions. They looked as though they had just been called into the headteacher's office.

"Come on," Draco beckoned, his heart light with joy, "follow me."

Draco had never thought it was possible to feel this much happiness – never even thought he deserved it. Especially after everything he had been through in his life; after everything they had been through.

Oh, Potter, he thought as he led the boys into the room where she was sat propped up in the bed holding a tiny little bundle in her arms.

He would say he wished this had happened earlier, but in fact, he was glad it was happening now. He would go through this journey all over again to get right here, to get to where he was finally meant to be. It was all worth it. It had all been worth it for her.

"Meet your sister, boys," Draco said, his voice choking slightly as he looked down proudly at his daughter, "meet Lily Narcissa Malfoy-Potter."


"She's beautiful, Etta," Scorpius gushed, placing a finger in Lily's tiny palm, and watching in awe as her own delicate fingers curled tightly around it.

Albus plonked himself on the other side of my bed, leaning over and taking her other hand.

"So, this is my little sister, huh?" he muttered. Although he tried his best to sound cool and indifferent, the melting of his eyes gave away how he truly felt as he gazed at nothing but her.

"Your mother was amazing," Draco smiled, standing at the foot of the bed, his eyes twinkling into mine. "She didn't complain once."

"Ha!" I scoffed, remembering how I screamed furiously in his face that he was never to go near me with his fucking dick ever again.

"You didn't mean it," he smirked, reading my mind.

"You wanna bet?" I retorted, poking out my tongue.

"What are you guys talking about?" Albus asked, looking at the both of us in bewilderment.

"Never mind," I laughed to myself, clocking Draco's fretful face.

"Can I - can I hold her?" Scorpius asked tentatively, his face hopeful as he looked up at me.

"Of course you can," I said softly. "She's been waiting to meet her big brothers."

"Here, let me," Draco said, quickly striding over to take Lily from my arms. My heart swelled as he brought her up to his lips, kissing her forehead with such tenderness, before carefully placing her in Scorpius's arms.

"Hello, baby sister," Scorpius whispered, looking down lovingly at her. "I'm your big brother and I'm going to kick anyone's butt who even so much as looks at you the wrong way."

"Not if I get there first," Albus drawled, grinning over at his brother and sister.

Draco sat down beside me on the bed, draping his arm over my shoulder, pulling me to him. I sighed happily, letting my head fall upon his shoulder.

"She's a lucky girl, having these two to look after her," he murmured in my ear.

"I'll wonder what house she'll be in at Hogwarts?" Scorpius pondered.

"Gryffindor," I said instantly, as Draco said "Slytherin," at the exact same time.

"It's about time one of our children followed in my footsteps!" I cried at Draco's incredulous look.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now