54 - The Power Of Dittany

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The first thing I was aware of was the cold, hard ground beneath me.

I shivered as my eyelids fluttered open. Darkness pressed down on me, suffocating me.

But then, slowly, my eyes adjusted. I was lying on my back in what appeared to be a dank, dark cellar. I tried moving, but pain seared across my stomach preventing me from doing so, and then I remembered.

I turned my head, blinking as my eyes tried to focus on the unmoving figure slumped on the floor, just mere feet away from me. Theodore Nott.

With great effort, I heaved myself up to a sitting position, my stomach screaming in protest as I did so. A sudden rush of metallic filled my mouth and it took me a moment to realise that I had sunk my teeth into my tongue out of the sheer agony of what I was experiencing.

Shakily, I pulled up the torn fabric of my blood-soaked shirt to reveal a long, raw, freshly healed wound stretched across the width of my stomach. Hang in there, Red.

The second cloaked figure had to have been Blaise. And as far as I could see, he had gone.

Something glinted out of the corner of my blinking eye - it was the Time-Turner. Blaise must have forgotten to take it - that or he had left it behind on purpose. This was my chance. But I was in so much fucking pain and my wand was nowhere to be seen.

Focusing solely on the Time-Turner which was placed on the table at the other side of the room, I gritted my teeth and hauled myself onto my feet, releasing a low growl of pain from the back of my throat.

Staggering, I managed to stumble over to the table, grabbing the offending artefact in my hand. My relief was short lived, however, as the once unmoving body of Theodore Nott started to stir on the ground next to me.

I spied his wand next to his head and, without thinking, I threw my body on top of his, grappling his wand in the hand that wasn't clutching The Time-Turner, and Disapparated the fuck out of there.


As soon as we landed, Ministry Officials descended upon us, grabbing Theodore from my grasp, immediately binding him in handcuffs as I charged him for being in possession of an illegal artefact.

"You're fucking dead, Potter!" He screamed as he was dragged away to the holding cells.

"Are you okay, Miss Potter?" A kindly witch whose name I couldn't remember asked me. Concern filled her eyes as she took in my bloody, sorry state. "Can I call a Healer for you?"

I shook my head dazedly, just wanting to get back to my office so I could inform Hermione about the Time-Turner. Well, brag to, to be more accurate.

I kept my head down, trying to avoid the funny looks people kept throwing at me, shrugging off their concern as I tripped and stumbled across the floor of the Auror department. When I thankfully, finally reached my office, I fell heavily through the door, breathlessly placing the Time-Turner in my pocket.

It was at that point I passed out.



Something was repeatedly hitting my head. I groggily opened my eyes to discover it was my office door. Someone was trying to get in and I was blocking the way.

"What the fuck, Potter?"

I looked up to see Draco's head appear around the door, his eyes going instantly wide with horror as they landed down at my crumpled form.

"What's the matter?" I heard Hermione's bodiless voice coming from behind him. "Why isn't she letting us in?"

I dragged myself out of the way as Draco, closely followed by Hermione, came bursting in.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now