42 - One Day

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"So, what's on the agenda for today, Potter?"

Draco sauntered into the kitchen the next morning. New Years Day. The day before the boys go back to Hogwarts.

"I've planned nothing." I confessed, sighing as I pressed a coffee into his hand. "I wanted to see what the boys fancied doing, seeing as it's their last day."

Our eyes met and I felt an unexpected heaviness in my chest. I quickly looked away, hurriedly putting on some toast.

"I must admit Potter, it's certainly been a Christmas to remember," he mused, taking a tentative sip of his coffee.

I looked back at him, my heart fluttering as our lips simultaneously twitched up at the corners. I felt the sudden maddening urge to leap across the kitchen and throw myself into his arms, to tell him that I loved him, and that I wanted him to stay.

"I'm going to miss them." I said instead, leaving the rest upspoken. I'm going to miss you. "It'll be strange not having them around." Don't leave.

Draco cleared his throat, pulling up a chair at the kitchen table. "I know what you mean," he spoke, his eyes softening as he looked at me, "it's been... well, Scorp's loved it- it's been good for him... thank you." He cleared his throat again, shifting in his seat.

A silence. I could hear my heart hammering in my chest as I willed myself to say something- anything to let him know that I wanted him to stay. But then the door flew open, and my attention was quickly diverted as Albus and Scorpius entered the kitchen, both yawning sleepily.

"Hey, boys!" I said with forced joviality, trying to swallow down the sudden ache in my throat. "Draco and I were just discussing the fact that it's your last day today, so what would you boys like to do?"

Both shrugged as they plonked themselves heavily down at the table.

"Just thought we'd pack and shit," Albus grunted.

"Language, Al!" I scorned, throwing a plate piled with toast down onto the table.

"Like you're one to talk!" Albus cried indignantly as he quickly snatched the top slice.

Draco chuckled over the newspaper that had suddenly appeared in his hands. I shot him a filthy look.

"It's true, though, Potter," he drawled, his eyes glinting up at me, "I've never heard anyone curse quite like you."

"Doesn't mean it's okay for my son to do it as well." I said haughtily, making Draco chuckle further as I poked my tongue out at him.

"Pfft, double standards," Albus muttered under his breath.

"Anyway, what about you, Scorp?" I asked, turning instead to the quiet blonde-haired boy who seemed to be wearing a rather morose expression on his face. "Any ideas of what you would like to do today?"

"There was something, actually," he said quietly, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Go on, Scorp," Draco gently encouraged, lowering his newspaper to give him his full attention.

Scorpius appeared to take a deep breath, as if steeling himself to say it. "I- I wanted to go and see Mum."

He said it in such a small voice, I wasn't sure I had heard right. But of course, I had. Why wouldn't the poor kid want to go and visit his mother's grave?

My eyes darted to Draco and I caught the sag of his shoulders and the tremor of his breath. "Of course, Scorp," he murmured softly, "I'm sorry, I should have thought to ask."

"Well, why don't you two go after breakfast?" I suggested brightly, forcing a smile as I looked around the table. "Al and I can do something together. How about it, Al? Fancy doing something - just the two of us?"

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now