27 - Jingle Bells

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For the hundredth time, I attempted to put quill to parchment, but as usual, I didn't get any further than I'm sorry for your loss. It sounded so crap and insincere.

I sat back heavily in my chair, blowing air. The Christmas break was coming up and Albus had asked if we could have Scorpius over for part of it. Of course, I would have loved to have him over, except I was anxious over how to broach the subject with Draco.

I had no idea how he was coping since Astoria's death. It had been eight months since our heated exchange in this very office and I felt it would have been highly inappropriate for me to offer my condolences.

"I could write to him, if you like?" Hermione offered when I vented my frustrations to her. "As Minister for Magic, I mean. I could offer my condolences and ask if there's anything the Ministry can do to help support him with Scorpius."

That didn't sound like a bad idea, although it didn't fix the problem of how to approach him about having Scorpius over for Christmas.

It turned out; I needn't have worried. The letter Hermione sent had sorted that one out.

"You know, you didn't have to get your friend to write to me, Potter. You could have just asked me yourself."

I looked up from my desk to see Draco standing over me. I must have been so absorbed in what I was doing, because I hadn't even heard him enter until his cold drawling voice rang in the air.

His tired pale eyes met mine and, for the first time since we had become adults, he looked almost old. He stood stiffly, looking as though he'd rather be anywhere else.

"I didn't think it appropriate," I murmured, not being able to meet his eye, "you know... given our history."

"Our sons are friends. We can't avoid that." He said stoutly.

"How's Scorpius doing?" I asked, trying to tread carefully.

"How do you think he's doing? His mother is dead."

I flinched at the hostility of his tone.

Slowly, I put down my quill and forced myself to meet Draco's eyes.

"Albus has asked if Scorpius can stay over for part of the Christmas break. Of course, I'm more than happy to have him, but I understand if you want him to remain with you."

I couldn't read the expression on his face. It was pinched in a hard, cold stance. The greyness in his eyes lacked their usual twinkle.

"I'm sure my son would just be miserable stuck at home with only myself there, anyway," he muttered, already turning to leave. "Owl me the dates and I'll have him dropped off. And don't bother going through Granger this time."

"Draco-" I started, not wanting him to leave like this.

"What?" He spat fiercely, cutting me off angrily as he glared coldly back at me.

"Are you alright?"

"What do you think, Potter?" A dark shadow fell across his face as his lip curled into a sneer.

And before I could think of a response, he strode out of the office, slamming the door shut behind him.


"Miss Potter, I've just had Tom the innkeeper on the phone and he wants someone to go down and sort out a disturbance."

I looked up from my paperwork, frowning at Carol who had just timidly popped her head around the door.

"What kind of disturbance? And why are you telling me? I'm head Auror- surely there's some minion lower down in the food chain that can sort this out?"

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now