8 - Back To Kings Cross

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I flinched as Ron slammed his hand down on the steering wheel, creating a loud and dreadful unending beep all around us.

"For gods sake, Ron! At least warn me next time you're going to do that!" I glared at him hotly.

"These bloody gits shouldn't be allowed on the road!" He roared, at the same time as angrily sticking his middle finger up at a passing car. "Don't they know how to use a bloody roundabout?!"

"I can't believe Hermione allows you to behave like this when driving," I muttered, holding onto the passenger door for dear life as we swung hard and unexpectedly into another lane.

"She doesn't usually let me drive, to be honest," Ron said, blaring the horn once again, for no apparent reason I could figure out.

"I can't imagine why."

Ron had picked me up in Arthur's old Ford Anglia, which was - surprisingly - still going strong after he had rescued it from the Forbidden Forest. We were off to collect Rose and Albus from Kings Cross station, both of whom were returning home for the Christmas holidays.

I was anxious to see Albus again. I hadn't heard as much from him as I would have liked. Hermione said Rose wrote to them at least once a week whereas I could count on one hand how many letters I had received from Albus all term.

And all he had written about was Scorpius.

Just as I had promised Draco, I had written to Albus asking him about the trouble he and Scorpius had been getting into, but the reply I received was vague and dismissive.

You wouldn't understand, Mum. Scorpius is the only one who gets it. He knows what it's like to have a parent who everyone talks about.

It had hurt me. He never seemed bothered before about my name or status. In fact, he used to love hearing my hero stories about how I awesomely saved the world with a stick. It had been his favourite bedtime story.

At least... I thought it had.

"It's different when you start a new school," Ron shrugged when I confided my concerns. "And you remember how cruel kids can be from that age. I'm sure he'll settle in once he makes more friends."

"It seems that he only wants to be friends with Scorpius." I muttered, turning to stare out of the window as I anxiously chewed my bottom lip.

"Malfoy's son, eh?" Ron had chuckled, as if this was all highly amusing to him. Except, of course, he didn't know the half of it. "What is it with you Potters? You couldn't keep away from that git when we were at Hogwarts, either."

"RON! LOOK - THE TURNING!" I bellowed as we flew past the entrance to Kings Cross Station.

I was thrown forcibly forwards in my seat as Ron slammed hard on the brakes. Horns blared angrily around us as he put the car immediately into reverse and started backing up on the dual carriageway.

"There!" Ron beamed proudly at me once we had parked up haphazardly next to a bus.

"Err, I think this is a bus stop, Ron," I said, wiping the sweat from my brow and thanking the gods that I was still alive.

Ron looked around and shrugged. "It'll do. Now, come on! Let's go get those kiddos!"



A grinning red-haired girl in Gryffindor robes came flying off the train, running into Ron's outstretched arms.

"Hey, my Rosie-bear," Ron said, his voice muffled in her hair as he squeezed her tight. "How your mum and I have missed you."

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now