24 - Toxic

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The intensity of what had just happened shocked me.

Draco still had me pinned to the door, his forehead resting on mine, both of us trembling and breathless. He didn't attempt to move away, his hands still firmly grasping my thighs, holding me up off the ground.

"Fuck," he murmured, his voice gravel, "that was... that was-"

"Intense." I gasped, finishing for him, my heart still racing from the exhilaration of our fervent encounter.

Draco chuckled softly, his breath tickling my face. "Yeah - that."

A loud knocking from behind my head made us both start. Draco jumped back, swiftly tucking himself back into his trousers as I slid down the door, hurriedly buttoning up my blouse and righting my skirt.

"Is everything okay in there, Miss Potter?" Carol's concerned voice sounded from the other side.

"Yes!" I called back, cringing at the high-pitched squeak to my voice. "Just - just in the middle of a private meeting!"

Draco snorted, straightening his tie. I shot him a fierce look.

"Sorry! I just thought I heard some strange noises. Carry on!"

Alone again, I looked over at Draco. We were stood feet apart, both of us still panting slightly. A sudden surge of emotions came crashing down on me at once, the dominant one being guilt.

"Draco, we shouldn't have done that," I whispered, feeling utterly horrified.

I had just had sex with a dying woman's husband.

And I suddenly wondered what the fuck I was playing at. This was not the person I wanted to be.

Draco lunged towards me, seizing my upper arms. "Don't say that, Etta," he implored, a look of panic flitting across his face, "please, don't say that."

"You know this is wrong, Draco - what we just did... well, we shouldn't have done it."

But he just shook his head as desperation flashed in his eyes. "Etta, please. I love you, and I know you love me too. How can this be wrong?"

"You're married!" I cried, not quite believing what I was hearing. "And not only that, but your wife is also currently laying in your home, dying! You should be with her, Draco, holding her hand - not fucking another woman up against an office door!"

Draco dropped his hands from my arms as though I'd burnt him.


"I won't be the other woman again." I said sternly, looking him fiercely in the eye.

"You're not the other woman, you're my woman - you always have been."

"Actually - you know what, Draco, I'm nobody's fucking woman. Now you need to go home to the woman that you married and be with her. We're not kids anymore, Draco. Grow up and take some responsibility for a change."

"So what the fuck was that about just now, then?" Draco spat furiously, jabbing a finger towards the door, where only moments earlier we were fused together in a state of ecstasy. "I didn't hear you complaining, you wanted it just as much as I did!"

"It was a mistake, Draco. A mistake that we keep seeming to make over and over again. It has been that way between you and I since pretty much day one. We fight, there's chemistry, we fuck. This is not love, Draco, this is toxic."

"Don't push me away again, Etta,"

"Push you away?! Just take a look at your fucking finger, Draco!"

He glanced down at the gold band on his left hand, the gold band that bound him to another woman.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now