38 - Red

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"Here I was thinking this party was going to be it's usual dull affair," Blaise murmured, his eyes twinkling at me as he swigged his champagne, "and then you showed up."

"She does this every year?" I asked incredulously, as Blaise nodded, "and you attend them all?"

Blaise chuckled softly at my appalled expression. "You know Pansy - she likes to keep 'the crowd' together, and none of us like to say no to her. Especially Draco."

I narrowed my eyes over to where Draco was now being paraded around by Pansy, clasping him tightly to her side as though he was some sort of prized possession.

"She's the same insufferable bitch that she was all those years ago," I sneered, "I don't know how you can all stand it."

Blaise chuckled again. "I must admit, it's refreshing to see someone tell her how it is."

Before I could answer, the lights suddenly dimmed around us, and the whole room went quiet as people looked around excitedly for the source of the reason.

"Here we go," Blaise drawled derisively, rolling his eyes.

"What's going on?" I whispered, sidling up next to him.

"Pansy's welcoming speech. Just you watch Malfoy be the guest of honour, now he's a free man again." I couldn't help but notice the bitter tone of his voice.

"Welcome! Welcome everyone to the annual Parkinson New Years Eve Soirée!"

I looked on in repulsion as Pansy stood in the middle of the ballroom, clinking a spoon against her glass, a spotlight beaming down on her from above so that everyone's attention was focused solely on her.

"We're going to welcome twenty-twenty in style tonight kids, kicking off with a very special song that once belonged to me and a dear friend of mine." She paused and turned to an unseen person in the crowds,  her lips pulling into a saccharine smile that seemed to enhance her squashed like features. "Draco Malfoy, I'd be honoured if, tonight, you shared the first dance with me."

Everyone applauded as Pansy pulled Draco into the spotlight with her, his face filled with horror. A song started up around us: some sickly-sweet shit I remember being popular back when we were at Hogwarts.

Good god, this must have been their song. And I was supposed to stand here and watch them fucking dance to it like it was their wedding night.

Pansy dragged a very uncomfortable looking Draco around the dance floor. Eventually other couples started to join them, swaying to the warbling tones of an extremely love sick sounding witch.

"Fancy joining them?" Blaise asked, offering out an arm.

"Are you sure you'd want to be seen dancing with the likes of me?" I muttered bitterly, thinking about the way Draco had been very dismissive of me in front of everyone tonight.

"Are you kidding me?" Blaise chuckled softly, "I'll be the envy of every man and woman. Anyone would be a fool not to be proud to have a woman like you on their arm."

I blinked, finding myself lost for words at this extremely flattering admission.

Without waiting for any further response, Blaise grabbed my hand and led me across the ballroom towards the dancing couples.

The moment we hit the dance floor, his hands went to my hips, pulling me against his hard, lean body. Not knowing what else to do, and feeling a little drunk from the champagne, I took his cue and placed my hands on his upper arms. I could not help but admire the tautness of his solid biceps beneath my fingertips; or feel impressed by the strong powerful beat of his heart against his toned chest.

"You know, red's not usually my favourite colour," he purred huskily in my ear, "but looking at you tonight, Potter, I suddenly want to paint every square inch of my bedroom in it."

I was liking this a lot.

"That's pretty smooth, Zabini," I purred back, my eyes meeting his alluringly, "next you'll be telling me you want to Slytherin this Gryffindor-"

"And Hufflepuff her Ravenclaw," he finished for me, his eyes dancing in amusement. "OK, OK - so you've heard them all before. You can't blame a guy for trying though."

We continued to dance, our bodies pressed together, the atmosphere becoming hot and stifling as more couples filled the dance floor around us. Snaking his arms around my waist, he tightened his hold on me; my breath instantly hitching as I caught the faint scent of spicy cologne. Everything about Blaise Zabini was enticing, and I was quite happy to allow myself to get lost in him, a welcome distraction from the hurt Draco had caused me. But sadly, that was not to last.

"Incoming," Blaise muttered warningly in my ear, his eyes fixed on a point behind me.

And before I could ask what he meant, I heard a loud "Ahem!" behind me.

I twisted around in Blaise's embrace, his hands remaining firmly on my hips as I came face to face with the furious glares of Pansy and Draco. They were no longer dancing but both stood side by side with their arms folded across their chests.

The sight of them made Blaise snigger into my neck. The feel of his lips pressed against my bare skin made me shiver in delight.

"Blaise, you do realise who you're dancing with, don't you?" Pansy sneered, her eyes glinting savagely.

Blaise lifted his head, smirking as his arms slid possessively around my middle so that my back was pressed firmly against his chest.

"Why yes, I do, Pansy. I'm dancing with the hottest woman here tonight."

The blatant fury on Draco's face was almost funny. He looked as though he wanted to murder somebody. Quite possibly Blaise.

But I didn't care. It served the dick right.

"Surely you don't have a problem with me dancing?" I asked innocently, watching Draco carefully, daring him to object. "It is a free country, after all. Which, by the way, you can all thank me for."

"Oh, don't you worry, Red," Blaise drawled silkily, brushing his lips against my neck again. "I'll be the first in line to show my appreciation."

I saw something snap in Draco's eyes and he made a movement towards us but was stopped by Pansy placing a hand firmly on his heaving chest.

"You're making a fool of yourself, Blaise!" Pansy screeched. "That power hungry bitch will probably throw you in Azkaban before the clock strikes midnight!"

Blaise's eyes flashed and he stood tall, unwrapping his arms from around my waist and grabbed my hand, stepping protectively in front of me; creating a barrier between me and Pansy.

"Pansy, we're not in Hogwarts anymore!" He hissed in her face, "You need to drop this childish vendetta right now. Both Potter and I are consenting adults and if we want to get to know one another a bit better, then we bloody well will!"

Draco stood behind Pansy looking utterly incensed with rage. His eyes burned into mine and he looked as though he wanted to say something, but he appeared too apoplectic to find his voice.

"Fine," Pansy spat, shaking in fury, "just don't come crying to me when she puts you in handcuffs!"

"Oh believe me, if she puts me in handcuffs, coming crying to you will be the last thing on my mind!"

Oh my! Did Blaise just mean what I thought he meant?

"Come on, Red," he said tugging my hand, "let's get out of here."

I was too speechless to argue and allowed him to hastily lead me past Pansy and Draco, towards the exit of the ballroom.

I glanced back over my shoulder as we reached the door, just in time to catch a pair of grey eyes piercing furiously into mine.

It didn't take a Dumbledore to see that Draco Malfoy was fucking livid.


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