5.Past of Isha and neil

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Mini- I trust you speak up!!

Neil- woh I isha is ...is....

Mini(forwarded glass)- First drink water then speak.

Neil drank all watet in one go
Mini took glass.

Mini- Now speak

Neil (took a deep breath)- Isha is not my friend she is my ex girlfriend.
(Mini was shocked but she has to listen all things first). She was only greedy for money. I was attracted towards her. She played with my emotions n She gave this relation a name of love. But there was no love only attraction n when she got to know that I am not as rich as she want then she broke up with me and went to another man. But like me I don't want to destroy another person's life so I searched of that person everywhere and then I went to that person and told him everything about isha n that person insulted isha thrown her out of his life. That's why after 2 year isha is back in my life to take revenge from me. To destroy me!! (Neil hold mini's face in his both palms) plz never leave me I don't have anyone in my life without you n arya.

Mini was confuse what to say or what to not...
Mini (in mind)- Attraction can also be change in love n we can't forget our past people's easily..

Neil- mini!! Mini!! U trust me na ??

Mini (cupped his face ) - I trust you
A tear fall from mini's eyes.

Mini- now u go office you will be late.

Neil(smiled)- yeah.
He kissed her forehead n left

In office,
When he was moving inside isha stopped him and said
Isha- plz come to me I will make u more happy then mini.

Neil- No never I am not all ready to leave mini n arya.

Isha - n why are u taking responsibility of that arya. She is just a burden on u.

Neil- just shut up. Arya is not burden. She is the purest soul.

Isha- but listen to me.......
Before she could complete neil moved from there.
Isha also went behind him to start her evil poison talks.

Isha- How that mini is she told u that she will marry u if you allow her sister to come with you. I think they both are burden on u. One day they will also leave you like me.........
Neil was out of control so he stood up n slap her. Whole office was silent no one said anything coz all know neil will not speak or do anything without reason.

Neil went to his boss cabin to take half leave. Boss gave half leave n he left from office to home.

He was furious and continuously isha's words were comming in his mind.

Now he was so much angry that he can vent his anger on anyone come infront of him.

On whom he will vent his anger ?



Mini- just stop it neil..... (she shouted)

《Stay tuned》

Love ♡
Bharvi 👯💫

Credit also goes goes to PatelAesha3

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