48. An arrival of danger !

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In morning Neil was first one to wake up. He rest his head on one hand and was admiring his sleeping beauty. As mini woke up Neil said

Neil- good morning and with that he kissed her forehead.

Mini also wished him back. Neil got up and mini went to make ready neli and arya. When she came back she saw Neil was all ready. Mini also went to get ready.

On dining table.

Mickey- in 2 day I and Preet are planning to go back to USA.

Mini- arrey but after some days arya and neli birthday is there and I also have to come back with you guys USA.

Neil- why ?? You.

All laughed at him.

Mini- coz most of our imp stuffs are there only so I have to leave so I am telling after birthday we three will go and I will come back taking all stuffs.

Neil- no need to go anywhere I have an idea mickey you go to USA for 2 days bring all imp stuffs and after birthday you both means you and Preet can go.

Mickey- yeah this can be done.

Neil- ok so I am booking your tickets of today evening. Is it ok ?

Mickey- yeah yeah totally fine.

Preet- and now I also have to go home coz mummy ji & papa ji are here for only 2 days more then they are also going back. So I have to.

Mini(sadly)- ok.

Preet- what happened??

Mini(sadly)- nothing.

Later all were sitting when mickey went to pack his bag. Mini also went behind him.

Mickey- mini you want anything ?

Mini didn't said anything and just hugged him tightly and cried.

Mini- my thank u is nothing infront of the doings which you have done for us.

They parted. Mini was still crying by looking down.
Mickey cupped her face and wiped her tears.

Mickey- hey don't cry plz in your beautiful face tears doesn't suit and one thing I want to clear is I have done all things coz I can't see you in pain. Now don't cry plz.

Mini- hmm.

Mickey- and from now if neil scold you also then also tell me I will tell him how he dare to bring tears in my mini's eyes.

Mini Hug him again.

Mini- I'll miss you.

Mickey- arrey I am going for only 2 days.

Mini- then also. Mickey carres her hair.

Outside the room Neil was standing and was having tears in his eyes. Listening mickey's words. He misunderstood.

Neil(in mind)- mini still didn't trust me. She thinks I will scold her.

Neil turned and moved from there to office not even informing mini. Whole day passed he ignored mini's calls and not he called her. Neil didn't ate anything.

At evening bidding bye to all mickey left and after sometime Preet also.

Neli, arya and mini were doing dinner and mini was lost in thoughts.

Mini(in mind)- why he is not receiving my calls ? Must be busy yeah.

After dinner they went to respective rooms.

In office, one employee came to Neil.

Employee- sir office hours are over you have to go.

Neil- you go I have some work.

Employee- ok sir good night.

Neil- good night.

Neil started doing his work and he also don't know when he slept on his table.

At 11:30 his phone rang it was of mini. He woke up and saw call. He picked up. Before Neil can speak mini started speaking.

Mini- Neil where are u it's too late. Neli also slept waiting for you. Plz come fast.

Neil- coming.

Before mini could say further he cut the call.

Mini(in mind)- ajjeb hai what happened to him now ?

After half n hour at 12:00 he reach at mansion. He saw from outside the room lights where on means mini was still awake.

He thought something and sat on bench present in garden. After some min he saw lights are off so he stood up with his bag and moved in. He saw food was present there but he drank water and made his way to room. He entered n saw light lamp was on and mini was sleeping. He smiled sadly and moved towards bed. He sat and patted her head lightly. He spoke.

Neil- you didn't trusted me years back and now also you.....

A tear slipped from his eye which fell on mini's cheek but he didn't notice it.

Neil-sorry I thought you are comfortable with me but you are not so now I will maintain a distance from you till you will feel comfortable.

He bend down to kiss her forehead but stopped in middle and stood up.

He took pillow and lay down on couch seeing mini. Neil slept and mini woke up.

Mini- I trust you neil and you didn't make me feel uncomfortable.

She slept thinking.

In morning Neil Came out of bathroom wiping his hair. He put towel on couch and started combing his hair. After that he was standing near window thinking something when he fell hands hugging him from behind. From window glass he saw mini was there.

Neil- mini !! What happened & why are you crying!?

Mini- Neil !

Neil- hmm

Mini- I trust you and u can never make me feel bad.

Neil brought her infront of him.

Neil- but mickey ??

Mini- duffer he spoke for his comfort zone why are you taking it seriously 😒.

Neil- really??

Mini- yes.

Neil made her hair strand behind her ear and pecked her nose. They hug each other tightly. They where still in same position when suddenly Neil saw a red beam on window and not so far distance a man was standing with gun pointed at them. As the man shoot the bullet Neil pushed mini aside and she fell on floor.

Neil moved but he fell on floor more harshly and hit his head on corner of table. His head started flowing with blood. Mini was shocked to see all this. She was about to come near him but Neil shouted.

Neil - mini jakke bacho ko dekho go.

Mini stood up and Came near Neil.

Mini- but you...

Neil- just go from here.

Mini- no you how....

Neil(shouted)- I said go.

Mini immediately stood up and went from there.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

Ignore mistakes.

A short precap 👇

Mini closed both neli and arya eyes with her palms She was also crying seeing scene infront of her.

Neli and arya were continuously crying.

Mini(angrily)- what was all that ???

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