17. Mini met Isha 😱

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Next day morning to divert mind from Neil mini decided to go for shopping with Preet. Neli and arya was still sleeping so mini went without waking up them.

They were roaming all around mall and selected different dresses for all including nelija and arya but mini forgot for herself and Preet notice this she was about to say but she thought to give a gift to mini coz she know if she will give it directly mini won't take it.

Later when they were moving back mini saw Isha and Isha was also equally shocked to see mini after 6 years. Mini has tears in her eyes. But as soon as mini came in real world she started walking fastly as soon as she can. Isha called her several time but mini didn't listen to her and left from her. Isha can't catch mini so Isha also left from and she decided to talk with Neil to get sympathy from Neil.

Mini was moving without seeing and she got hit by Preet. (When mini and Isha saw each other Preet has already left as she got a call and was waiting for mini). Mini was panting heavily so Preet calm her and gave water n made her sit in car and asked her

Preet- what happened?

Mini- wo........ I..........saw

preet- plz say it clearly

mini- i saw isha today inside she was continously calling me but i ran from there.

preet- ok ok calm down so what you have to be strong ok ?

mini(in mind)- yeah! i have to be strong for my neli and arya. i can tolerate my pain but not them so i will be strong

preet(concerned)- mini!! are you ok ?

mini- Now ok

afterwards they left from there to preet's home.

mini- preet now we are leaving from here. now we can't stay here anymore.

preet- No mini

mini- plz already you have done so much for us now i can't take it anymore.

preet- ok but after dinner you can go and i will book the rooms if you will deny you can't go.

mini(smilingly)- ok

In oberoi mansion

Isha entered and directly went towards neil's room and without knocking she entered and saw neil doing some office work. neil also saw her n became angry coz no one dares to enter in his room and she dare to come inside and that without permission.

Neil- you How dare you ?

Isha- plz listen to me i have seen today in mall mi.........

before she could comnplete neil stood up and push her out of his room and close the door on her face. Isha couldn't say anthing so she went from there silently as she fell insulted.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

hey guys i may or may not give updates as my online exams and tution classes are going on.

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