32. Neil gets to know about Nelija !!!

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Neil(shouted with full of anger) - I WANT HER ALL DETAILS!!!! GET ME IN 10 MIN

- on otherside mini and Mickey came out of hotel and sat in car.

Mickey immediately asked mini.

Mickey- what happened  ?? Why are you so tensed ? And why tears. And also u have not taken your important think which you came to take. Why are rah from there back ?? No.... Wait a sec all this happen after you saw that man. Who was he ?!! Wait a sec he is ne....Neil ??

Mini only nodded and cried hugging Mickey tightly.

Mickey(in mind)- I will not leave you. How you dare also can come infront of mini after you have done to her. First let me finish my marriage then I will see you.

Mickey didn't stopped mini from crying instead he carres her hair and let her cry as he know all 6 year pain she is crying now. Mini never saw her vulnerable state infront of others but Mickey is best-friend so she can't control infront of him anytime and cry her hearout.

After sometime Mickey saw still mini is crying and he also has a limit he also can't see her BF (best friend) crying always. So he console her and said.

Mickey- plz stop now your crying. If nelija will see you like this then she will Also cry. See we are going to reach. Kya hamesa rutdu banti hai.

Both parted.

Mini stopped her crying.

Mickey- I will tell all thinks happened to preet.

Mini finally after so long spoke.

Mini- No !! She will be panicked and I don't want to panick her on her important day so I will tell her by myself afterwards.

Mickey understood her statement and nodded.

Both hugged eachother again.

After sometime they reach.

Mini directly went to wash her face and Mickey to his room to get ready for Sangeet.

After washing her face she came in room and saw neli and are already awake. Both saw her.

Neli jumped in her arms. Arya already sensed something went wrong seeing mini's face.

Arya(in mind)- what happened to di ?? Where she has gone ??

Arya- where you have gone di ?!

Mini- to hotel my important think was left there so....

Mini also sensed that Arya wants to ask something so she made neli quickly ready for Sangeet and send her to preet.

Arya - Now tell me clearly all things what happened !? And why you cried ?? 

Mini(teary eyes)- Today I saw Neil in hotel where we are staying.

And she can't control and started crying hiding her face in her palms.

Arya hugged her and consoled her.

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