6.Angerness of neil

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Neil reach home n open the door with key n went inside. He went to his room n sat with holding his head in both hands.

After sometime arya and mini also came back they were shock to see door but calmed after they got to know neil is there.

Arya directly went to neil's room n saw him sitting there she went and hugged him n said

Arya- neil you brought chocolates for me today ??

Neil was angry on isha so he took out all frustration on arya poor soul.

Neil (shouted) - what ?? Why you daily do chocolates chocolates can't u stay one day without chocolates. Still why are u here just get out of my room.

Hearing neil's shouting mini also came there n saw arya was scared and crying silently and neil still continously blabbering.

Mini (shouted)- just stop it neil !!

Neil stopped n saw towards arya who was scared of neil was clinging to mini n crying slightly. Then he saw towards mini who was also on verge of tears.

Neil- mini listen to m............
Mini stopped him showing her palms.

Mini carried arya in arms protectively and consoling her went from there to arya's room.

Neil sat on floor with thud crying.

On the other side mini sat in balcony with arya in her arms. Both were seeing towards sky then suddenly arya asked

Arya- Di where are our parents ?

Mini (pointing towards sky) - they are in the sky. They must be seeing us u know.
Arya saw towards sky.

Arya- I know today it was my fault

Mini- hmm plz don't be angry on neil he must be tired from work so he frustrated on u n from now onwards if you want anything you can ask me. I will bring it for u.

Arya- ok

Mini smiled n kissed her cheeks.
Later both slept on arya's bed.

Next morning,

Mini woke up made arya ready for school gave her breakfast and then went to her room and was shocked to see ..


《Stay tuned》

Love ♡
Bharvi 👯💫

Credit also goes to PatelAesha3

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