39. All together !! 😍

234 11 16

Very Early update !! 😌 coz I was really free

I just want to share something today.

I have never be in love in my life (I am just 16 😜) but after seeing mineil and reading captions of roshniluthra on Instagram I got to know what is true love in all senses.
I really want to appreciate  roshniluthra more you are always inspiring me in one or other way.

Mini- sorry sorry I am really sorry I didn't trust you.

Neil carres her hair slightly.

Neil saw everyone was looking at them so broke the hug made mini stand and cupped her face lightly. mini's tears were not at all stopping she once again hug neil. mini was very much guilty for her acts towards neil.

she hold neil tightly as if she will leave him he will vanish in air.

after good 15 min neil parted from mini both were looking in each other's eyes deeply.

neil was about to speak but from backside nelija shouted.

neli- buddy!!

she came running towards neil and hugged him tightly.

mini was backfacing neli so while she ran she didn't saw mini.

neli- buddy i miss you i knew it you will come to meet me.

neil has tear in eyes as after knowing neli is his daughter he was meeting neli for first time.

neil took her in arms and looked at her keenly. it is not like they were meeting for first time but today neil was having a different feeling as he got to know that he also has a daughter and he is father.

neli was continously speaking something or other but neil was not listning her talk he was just admiring his little peace.

At the same time mini was shock as hell how they know eachother.

mini(in mind)- is they not met first time ? How neli know neil ? now my answer can give neil only

mini - neil nelija

neli was shocked to hear mini's voice she thought now mini will scold her for meeting a stranger.

neli hide her face in neli's neck.

neil and mini both were confused that why she is being scare of mini that's when arya came from behind of mini and spoke.

Arya- she is scare of u coz she thought if she will meet a stranger you will scold her.

Mini took neli from Neil and said.

Mini- see I won't scold you

Neli look upside and saw mini finally and hugged her.

But mini was still confused when neli and Neil meet and how come arya know this.

Mini- how you meet neli and arya Neil !?

Neil- it is very long story we will tell you afterwards.

Finally arya hugged Neil. Though he was angry with both mini and arya but now he can't lose them so he hugged back arya.

Arya started crying hugging him.

Arya- I knew it you can't do like that.

Neil smiled and caress her hair.

They were still hugging when neli pushed arya away from Neil and made all shock.

Arya immediately left Neil.

Arya- what happ....

Neli- he is my buddy you stay away from him.
She immediately went to Neil from mini.

Arya has tears in her eyes but she gulped back her tears and smiled.

Arya- hota hea abi bachi hai.

Neil and were looking towards arya who was wearing a fake smile.

Neil- neli you should've do this.

Neil Hugged arya again with neli.

Mini was admiring trio as how by one of her mistake she miss her all moments.
She was also having happy tears in her eyes.

They were standing when Neil's phone rang gaining all attention on him. It was of mickey.

~on call

Mickey- you meet mini !? If you meet then plz come out security is not letting us come in.

Neil - yeah I meet her. We are coming.

Call ended.

Neil- let's go

He held mini's hand but mini stopped him.

Mini- sorry we can't come.

Neil(shocked)- why !!? What happened??

Mini- security will not let us go.

Neil(smiled)- they will come.

Mini- but....

Before she can say anything neil moved from there with neli and arya so mini followed him.

As security saw Neil they moved back to let go neil outside.

Neil, mini, arya and neli moved out and saw mickey standing there.

Mickey and Preet also saw them and came towards them but they ignored mini and started talking with neli and arya.

Mini already know why they were ignoring her saw she was thinking to pacify them and second was to tell nelija about Neil.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

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