49. Attacks and family moments.

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Hi guys 😁 hope you remembered me. I am back after 13 days. Sorry for super delay reason at last after story first read story. And I yeah I am happy today as I completed 50 chapters today I never expected this much long journey 😃❤️

Neil(shouted)- I said go.

Mini immediately stood up and went from there.

Neil took out his phone and called his guards.

~on call.

Neil- come in action. They are here again.

Guard- yes sir.

As mini opened the door she saw that two goons were approaching near neli and Arya. They came from window which was opened. Neli and Arya were scared and was sitting in corner with eyes closed.

Mini kicked both the goon in leg and they fall down. Mini tied both goons near bed with rope. She then first close the window and moved towards Arya and neli.

Mini has tears in her eyes seeing both.
See bend to there level.

Mini- neli arya !

As soon as both hear mini's voice they opened there eyes and hugged mini.

Mini also hugged them both back. As they were still there in the same position they hear another bullet voice.

Mini(worried and scared)- Neil !!

Mini held both neli and Arya hands and took them out of room not before locking the door.

She moved towards her room. She stopped in middle only coz what she saw made her shock to the core and scared also.

She closed neli and Arya eyes with her palms and tears were not stopping from her eyes.

Neil's bodyguard were surrounded by him and was continuously shooting the person who has shot Neil first. When the person fell dead at the spot with 11 bullets in his body the guards stop firing. (😎😎).

One of the guard spoke.

Guard- sir we are not enough we checked they have surrounded the mansion fully. We need to call police force for tonight till that we are making other guards ready to.

Neil- hmm.

Neil turned and saw mini standing there with neli and Arya. He try to stand up but he was not able to as his head was paining.

Mini turned her face other side not able to see Neil's condition.

Mini turned to go with both with the girls but she hears.

Guard(shouted)- mam !!!

One of the guard came infront of them and the bullet hit his hand. The guard with one hand shoot the person who hit the bullet.

Nelija become scared seeing this and started crying. Neli hold mini's dress in her fist tightly and hugged her. Arya was also scared. Mini carres neli's hair to stop her.

Some of the guards of Neil came near mini, neli and Arya as per Neil's instruction.

Guard- mam you have to come with us we will take you to safe place.

Mini looked towards neil. He nodded his head. Mini held both neli and Arya hand & moved from there with guards.

Neil- How much time force it will take to come.

Guard- sir they told 10 min and sir you need to do first-aid.

Neil- no first do of ram(one who has bullet in his hand) I am fine.

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