33. Mini is in stress and some flashes of past !!

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On otherside all were enjoying function with lots of fun. But mini was continuosly thinking about her and Neil's meet.

At last Sangeet ceremony ended with mini's dance.

Arya and neli slept but mini was not sleepy at all she was continuously thinking about Neil and today's incedent of metting Neil after 6 years.
With thinking see went into past memories before 6 years.

~ past of mini before 6 years.

When mini confronted Neil and went away from him. She thought now she will never think about him or will never she him again but their destiny has some different plans.

She left Neil's home with Arya with their imp thinks and some of her own money. She left him but then also she doesn't know where to go ?? What to do ??

They were continuously walking on roads. After sometime they saw temple and went inside to take blessings. They were praying when one priest came and saw mini and Arya praying to God. By seeing there face only priest assumed that there life is messed up.

Priest(keeping hand on mini's head)- beta !! Your life will surely get better after sometime. If u will pray to god with pure heart. Then God will never do injustice to you.

Saying this priest went from there.
After sometime again they started there journey with no destination.

Arya- I want water to drink I am very thirsty.

Mini came out of her thinking when she listen Arya's coughing.

Mini immediately when towards her made her drink water and Arya slept again.

On the otherside Neil went to there real house which was called sometime a home with mini and Arya all around in home.

Neil entered inside on the light went towards mini's picture and started talking to pic.

Neil- why why you have done this to me ?? I thought I will prove my innocence to you but what you have done is also wrong. How could you do this ??? A mere stranger whom I met few days back I never thought will be my own daughter. I want to hate you now for hidding the matter but I know I can't. Today after seeing your face after 6 years I don't know what happen to me. But today I get to know that whatever you will do or you are doing but I can't hate you. But I have right to take my daughter and that I can take it. You just wait n watch.

Today while saying all this to pictures he has no tears in his eyes. He doesn't know he should he happy that he finally show her mini or sad that he was having a daughter and he was unaware about it.

After sometime he also left to his mansion.

Mini also slept thinking.

Next morning all woke up and fresh up. Mini thought that Neil will be not there in hotel so at 9:00 in the morning she with nelija went to take the remaining stuffs which left in room.

Mini was shocked as she entered Neil was already present there with other person rather then his bodyguards.

Mini thought to ignore him. So she hold nelija's hand tightly and was moving from there.

Nelija yet not notice Neil coz she was playing with her soft toy in her hand.

They were moving when Neil called them.

Neil- wait you both.

Both mini and nelija and mini turned towards Neil.

Neil moved towards them hold neli's hand & took her with him but mini also was leaving neli's hand.

Nelija in between was cutely seeing time-to-time both side with one finger in her mouth.

Seeind mini also holding neli's hand Neil spoke.

Neil- she is my daughter also. (Pointing towards one person). See this is my lawyer and I have taken one day meet for my daughter though I not need it but to prove you I have taken it and I have all right to spend time with my daughter. And also I want her Custody so plz come tomorrow morning to court hearing will be there.

Mini was shocked how can he directly come and assume his right on neli. She had tears in her eyes she was helpless.

She immediately called Mickey for her help. What Mickey said made her more then shock.

Mickey- No sorry dear this time I will not help you. Neil has also all right on his daughter. This time you can't run away from him.

With this he declined call. Mini has no option left.

Next day morning In court.

Judge- the custody of nelija Neil Oberoi goes to Mr. Neil Oberoi as he can give a better life to her then you and can also provide more necessary things to her then you.

Mini(shouting)- No!! No !! How could you do this ?? I will not give my nelija to you. No no

And that's sit mini open her eyes. She was having a very bad dream. She was badly sweating. She saw time it was 5:00 Am. She saw sideward Neli and Arya sleeping peacefully. She drank water took nelija in her protective embrace and slept with thinking of dream and many more things happened in her life.

So guys that 15 part teaser was just a dream don't worry I will not take matter to court. 😌

I hope you guys are not confused between past, present and dream....


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

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