44. Close to eachother & embrarrassed also 😳

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Police took isha from there.

Neil saw towards mini who was still crying. He made her sit on chair and made her drink water.

He assured Mickey to feed some food to mini.

He went to attend clients as he he was having meeting.

Neil came for rest but didn't get time so now his head was paining but infront of work he never see his health.

In past years also mini use to scold him whenever he neglect his health and food for work.

After eating some food mini went towards Arya's room. She opened door and saw neli Playing and Arya playing game in her phone.

As soon as both saw mini. Neli ran and hugged her n asked.

Neli- buttercup I was scared that evil aunty will come again ?

Mini- no now she will not do anything to you and will not come again. I have given her a better punishment for hurting my neli.

Neli- sachi?

Mini- muchi.

Mini smiled to see neli happy and she also forget all the worries happened. Mini saw towards arya who was lost. She understood what she must be thinking.

Mini- arya you are not happy ?

Arya- yeah yeah I am also happy 😃.

After that all spended there time together.

At night 8:30 pm.

All were doing there dinner when Neil came in using his phone with one hand and with other hand pressing his head.

All saw him going but he didn't even notice as he was fully engrossed in his phone.

Neil ordered while moving upside.

Neil- Don't bring dinner tonight get me one cup of coffee in my room.

As soon as neli saw Neil after whole day she got up from her chair and ran towards neil and hugged him.

Neli- papa I missed you.

Neil took her in his arms and spoke
Neil- I missed my princess too.

Mini seeing towards neli spoke.

Mini- neli come and first finish your food afterwards you can talk as much as u want.

Neli first saw towards mini then towards neil.

Neli- put me down.

Neil put her down.

Nelija held his hand and drag Neil to dinning area. Neil also happily went behind her. Neil sat on chair and made neli sat beside his chair. Mini smiled ☺️.

Neli was eating food and Neil was using his phone.

Neli- papa you shouldn't use your phone during eating buttercup always says to Mickey bro.

Mickey smiled.

Mini- yeah keep your phone aside and why are you not having dinner have it.

Neil- no I just want.....

Mini- first eat it.

Mini kept food in his plate. Mini made forcefully eat him food.

After dinner all retire to respective room and Neil went to garden as he got a call.

In arya' room Arya and neli were playing and mini was setting Arya's cupboard.

As mini felt she is thirsty she went towards jug but it was empty.

She was moving to kitchen downstairs when she saw one door room was open. She moved towards and entered in room and saw whole room is of black and grey colour (obliviously room is of Neil but mini don't know).

Mini put jug aside and moved inside went near bed and saw there were no pics nothing.

Mini(in mind)- hea who's room is like this. No colour in room only black and grey like person's life is also full of darkness.

Mini shrugged her thoughts and turned at the same time neil also entered and both collied with each other and fall on bed. Neil on top of mini. Both were lost in the moment. Both were this much close in physical contact after 6 years. Before they have hug each other but today the environment is different and there is physical tension between them. Both look deeply in each other eyes. Neil kissed her forehead which give peace to mini and she closed her eyes. Neil one by one kissed both her eyes the slowly pecked her nose. Mini parted her lips in anticipation. Her breathe was becoming heavy with his every next move. There faces were inches apart when they heard something falling. Mini looked straight and Neil turned and was shocked 😮 to see neli standing there quietly with one finger in her mouth and doll in her hands.

Neil immediately stood up and mini also ran towards neli and asked her

Mini- what what happened? Do you need something.

Neli didn't answered her and looked towards Neil and asked.

Neli- what was papa is doing ?

Mini and Neil both were shocked by her question but Neil told her to divert her mind

Neil- nothing you come with me we will go to see your room which is getting ready come.

Neli- really?

Neil- yes come.

Neil hold her hand took her from there not at all glancing one time also to mini coz he was equally embarrassed 😳.

Mini smiled or basically blushed thinking about there moment. She also took and moved from there.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

Hey 👋🏻 guys I want to ask in upcoming part if more lovey-dovey(romantic) parts will come then you guys have no problem right.

I just want to ask I should write like this chapter or not??

Plz give your answer.

Finally I gave this chapter. @bubblyflake25 now ok ??

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