7.fever !! 😳

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Mini was shocked to see neil sleeping on floor. She immediately came and touch him to wake up. She was shocked coz he was burning with fever. She made him lay on bed n called doctor.

Mini started putting wait cold cloth on his head.

After some time Doctor came n checked him n said

Doctor- plz take care of him. He cried a lot in night so he got fever. I am giving medicine give.

Mini- ok thank u doc. Doctor left.

Mini was caressing his hair. She kissed his forehead n left for freshup.

When she came back she took his phone to call his boss for leave but what she saw made her shock she saw 5 miscalls from isha. But she ignored it n call his boss. N boss alowed for leave.

She saw neil still sleeping. So she also slept beside him.
After sometime neil woke up n was shock to see mini sleeping beside him.
She was looking like an angel.
He moved close to her n kissed her forehead n cheeks.
By movement mini's eye's open n saw neil close to her.
She hurriedly got up n said

Mini- You go fresh up I will bring food for u n then u have to take medicine also.

Neil left.
Mini also left to kitchen.

Neil came back wiping his hair. He saw mini keeping food plate.

She turned towards him came near hold his hand n made him sat on bed n serve food to him.

Mini- now eat
But neil was not eating he was only gazing her.
Mini take bite of food to his mouth he ate food.
Then he pull mini his lap forwaded her the food n fed her also.
Both fed each other.

Mini gave neil medicine n left to do her work.

When she came back she saw neil was waiting for her.
She know what he was going to say so she started moving from door only but neil stopped her.

Neil- mini wait ! Where you are going? come I have some work

Mini- ab ab I am going in in arya's room for cleaning it afterwards you can tell your work.

Neil- but afterwards you can go I have some work here (patted other side of bed beside him)

Mini- neil afterwards you can tell I have really some imp work.

Mini turned to leave but was pinned ny neil to nearby wall near to door.

Mini- neil neil what are you doing ? Plz leave me.

Neil - first listen to me

Mini- ok speak

With that neil again broke down into tears 😢😢.

Neil- I am really sorry isha's anger vent on arya but i really don't mean it. I am sorry.

Mini- it's ok plz don't cry.
She hugged him
He also hugged her back. After sometime both break the hug. Mini wiped his tears.
Neil carried her in arms put her on bed he also lay down beside her. Both hugged eachother slept.
Both get peace after 1 night in eachother arms.

Both were sleeping peacefully when doorbell rang.
Mini got up n went to open the door.

As she open the door isha came runningly inside the house.

Mini was shocked as isha without entered inside.

Mini also went behind her n asked her

Mini- isha what happened why are you here ? Any problem ?

Isha- you don't know what happened. Mini neil has fever. Is he fine or not ? Shall i call doc ?

Mini- No he is fine now. I have already called doctor n he is sleeping.

Isha was again about to speak but in that time neil came 

Neil- who is there mini ??

Mini n isha turned towards him.
As soon as isha saw neil she ran hugged him.  As soon as isha did this mini hung her head down.
Neil was trying his best to free himself but not able to . He was not at all looking at isha he was only looking at mini n her acts.

A lone tear escaped from mini's eye she immediately wiped it but it was not unnoticed by neil.

Mini was about to move from there but she saw that neil pushed isha with all his force.

Neil sided hugged mini n said

Neil- How dare you touche me ??

Isha- I was just tensed about u i listen from our boss to sift your work to another person coz u have fever n u have taken leave so i came here to check u that.............. (neil cutted her sentence n said)

Neil- oh just shut your mouth i am not interseted into fake concern n i told u first also just leave me plz i also want some peace in my life.

After listening this isha left.

All this while mini was looking down

Neil cupped her face n asked 

Neil- u trust me na ?

Mini- i trust u then myself.
Both hugged eachother.

All this drama  happen in absence of arya.


Love ♡
Bharvi 👯💫

《Stay tuned》

Precap -


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