36. Mini's past.

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Mickey hugged mini and calm her down.

After sometime mini slept in his arms only. He made mini lie down properly on bed sat beside her holding her hand and went in past 6 years back.

~ past 6 years before.

Mickey first time met mini in hospital when he went with preet to hospital. When first time Mickey saw mini he immediately got to know that she is deep pain.

In doctor's cabin.

Doctor was checking Arya and mini was sitting beside her holding her hand was wiping her tears also.

At time only preet and Mickey also pass through that cabin & preet saw mini inside and went in.

Mickey was at that time clueless coz he was not knowing mini at that time.

Preet - mini hi ? What happened to Arya ??

Mini(wiping tears)- she is having fear.

Preet- and where is Neil ?? He not came with you !!?

Mini- ahh.....wohh......he..he was having urgent work so he not came with me to hospital.

Preet(keeping hand on her shoulder)- why are lieing to me you know na you can't hide anything.

Mini(looking hear and there)- no..not...I am not lieing.

Preet(holding her hand)- mini! mini! See towards me and speak up what happened.

Preet took her out of doctors cabin and told her

Preet- speak

Mini(in mind)- no I can't drag preet in my life problem. She also has her own life. I can handle it my self.

Mini- I told you nothing is there plz let me go.

Preet- if you are my real friend and you trust me then you have to tell me your problem.

( This dialogue is of PatelAesha3 whenever I not talk with her she always use to tell me her this dialogue 😂).

Mini (teary eyes)- wohh Neil he.....

She can't speak ahead but she has to tell preet so she took deep breath and told preet everything.

Preet was shock she was not believing but after seeing mini's condition she believed mini.

Mini- now I don't know what to do where to go.

Preet(determined)- I will help you.

Mini- no no I can't take your help sorry. I am going.

She stood up and was going but after listening preet's word she stopped in her tracks and looked back.

Preet spoke with tears in her eyes.

Preet- if you don't want my help for myself then take my help for Arya. She needs proper place to leave and proper place to study.

Mini(in mind)- for Arya I have to agree her help.

Mini- ok tell me whatever you will tell I am ready to do for Arya.

Preet smiled and said.

Preet(pointing towards Mickey) - see this is Mickey. You know once I said I have bf but you never met him as he stays in USA.

Mini smiled and forwarded her hand to Mickey.
Mickey smiled and took her hand for shake.

Mickey- don't worry I will also help u.

Preet - yeah I can never leave my friend in problem.

Both hugged eachother and Mickey also hugged both of them.

Preet- till we decide where you will stay you have to stay at my appartment.

Mini- ok

Preet also met to Arya and Arya was also happy to mer both Mickey and preet.

After Arya was discharged Preet took both of them to her house.

In this 2-3 days mini-mickey bond have grown very much like they have destined to be best-friend.

they were having there dinner Mickey was also invited to dinner. Mini started there conversation.

Mini- we can't stay here anymore you thought anything where we can or any job or something.

Preet- I don't have any problem if you stay here lifelong also.

Mini- no I can't stay at your place anymore. Plz so any idea.

Mickey- I have you can come with me to USA. There I am staying alone only. If you guys don't have problem them.

Preet- yeah this is amazing idea as there will be no problem in Arya's study also.

Mini- no sorry I don't have that much money to travel USA.

Mickey- you don't have to worry I will help you.

Mini(immediately)- no no sorry I don't need your help I will not take your money.

Mickey(Huff)- ok ok listen I will give money afterwards with doing job you can give me money back with interest he winked with saying this.

Preet smaked his arms playfully.

Preet- so what is your decision mini ?

Mini think for sometime what Mickey said to her and all then told them

Mini- ok I am ready.

Arya was not at all happy by listening this she was missing Neil badly but coz of mini she was not speaking anything.

They were doing there dinner and in between mini stood up without finishing her dinner went in room and slept.

Preet was calling her but without listening she went.

After all paper works Mickey,mini and Arya made there way to USA bidding by to preet and india not knowing what was coming in there life.

After they reach they rested for 1 day and they did addmission of Arya in school so that her study would not suffer.

Mickey also started his work.

Mini was not getting job. Mickey was trying his best to get her job.

Whole day mini was alone leaving in house and was missing more Neil. She was crying and her health was also getting worst day by day.
And mini went in depression. Mickey also got to know about her health.

Her tears were not dried also and they got to know about mini's pregnancy.

She was now in highly confused situation. She was not knowing what to do. But at last she decided she will give birth to baby. She will not abort it.

And after nelija's birth all there life became once again happy. Mini was also recovered from depression. She also got her job.

They were happy in there small family. They spended like this 6 years. Arya also slowly forget about Neil.

But they were destined to meet again.


Mickey (in mind)- when first time I met and now I am seeing same pain in your eyes. I can't see you anymore like this. I felt something is missing in your and Neil's life. I have to find it. I have to find that what is true your and preet's talk about Neil is right or anything else. After my marriage tomorrow only I will find about Neil and will talk to him.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

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