43. Isha finally out !!! 😌

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Isha was shocked and was thinking

Isha(in mind)- How come she came here. I made her away from Neil with difficulty how here. Now I have to do something. I hope Neil has not said anything to her.

Isha- why you came here again in my and Neil's life again. He also told you. U are just a burden on him nothing else. We are having a happy life then why you want to ruin it. Just stay away from Neil and me. Just go and how dare you to enter in masion who allowed you to come here.

Mini didn't say anything looked towards neli who was now not scared coz mini was there but was confusingly looking at them.

Mini looked towards preet and gesture her to take neli and Arya in room. Preet nodded and took them away.

Mini- Ha toh miss.isha what were you telling.

Isha- I said how dare you to come in my life to ruin my life again.

Isha raise her hand ✋ to slap mini but was stopped in between as neil hold her hand.

He came infront of mini.

Neil- no don't you dare.

Neil was having a 2 imp meeting in a day and was moving to the place where the meeting was held but he remembered the file which he has to show to clients has left in his room only. He took his phone to call one of his guard to bring the file but he saw time and for meeting there was time so he decided to go back to take some rest.

So he came back.

Many slaps are on the way.

Honestly tell me who was excited for this part ?

This question was from PatelAesha3 as she is hell excited for this.

Mini pushed Neil aside and stood infront of isha furiously.

Neil(in mind)- my lady don is back abb toh yeh gai. Now I am not at all interested to come between them.

(bichara dar gaya 🙊).

Mini slapped isha hard that she fall on ground.

Isha - just stay away from me (to Neil)- Neil see she slapped me do something.

Neil didn't say anything.

Mini made her stand holding her tee.

Isha- you are just burden of him. Not you only that Arya. If you came then why u take her also with you.

Neil(angry)- they are not. And not a word again Arya.

Isha smiled evliy took round around mini and said.

Isha- what if I say the truth to Arya which you have not told till today to Arya. That....

Mini- don't you dare I will kill you.

Isha- what you can do. What you have done till now. I have separated you from Neil what you did ? And now if I will tell her truth to Arya then also what can you do ?? Nothing. I know till now you didn't trust Neil I am right ?

Mini again slapped her hard and she again fall on ground.

Mini(shouted)- that was my mistake that I didn't trust Neil but now i trust Neil more then me. Keep this in your dump head.

Mickey gave ipad to mini and she opened that video and showed it to isha.

Mini made her stand.

Mini- this is the video right ?

Isha didn't say anything.

Mini moved towards her and slapped her again hard.

Mini(teary eyes)- this is the slap for seprating me and Neil.

Tears fall from mini's eyes.

Mini slapped her again and she fall down.

Mini- this for making me against Neil.

And now.

Mini made her stand and again slapped her.

Tears where not stopping from her eyes.

Mini- this for seprating Neil from Arya, Neil from neli.

Blood oozed from corner of isha's lips.

Mini was still holding isha's tee at that time police came.

Neil from back hold mini and hug her to calm her down. He carres her hair to make her calm down.

Police took isha away from there.
Police took isha away in the statement of Neil and one other boy that isha was trapping rich boys for money in love and when she felt that she has used them she leaves them broken.

( I really didn't know that this type of punishment government gives or not but I showed coz I want to end isha's chapter).

So here isha's chapter is end..

How many slaps where there in the chapter !? 🙊😂✌️


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

Precap- same 'pinky plomise' 🤞

Bubblyflake25 apka wala chapter paka next 👍💕 thank you for waiting.

Extremely sorry 🥺 for late chapter.

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