8.Sepration- 1 💔

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Soon it was dinner time.
Mini was making dinner but was lost in last few hour happened things.

Mini (in mind)- what if they still love eachother. No no mini just stop it what are you thinking. I trust my neil. What if they were just doing acting...
No no it can't happen I trust him.

After dinner neil went to his room. Mini n arya were doing random things. Mini was still lost arya noticed this n decided to ask her.

Arya- what happened where are you lost. I know you will not tell so first only telling say it clearly all things.

Mini- voh today isha came home n......... she told her everything means everything about neil's past today's incident all.

A tear slipped from mini's eyes..

Mini- I am not telling I don't trust him but then also somewhat insecurities are there what should I do ?

Arya- just listen to your heart 💖

And with saying this she left to her room.

After sometime of thinking mini also left to sleep.

There last peaceful sleep. 💔

Next morning both were sleeping peacefully in each other arms.

There last peaceful morning sleep together. 💔

After sometime both were awake n freshup n were spending time together as there was sunday.

They were sitting in hall when neil's phone poped a message first time after reading isha's message there was a smile on his face

Isha's Message ~
I am ready to leave you and your family forever but with that I have some demand plz come to nearby park.

Neil's messgae to isha~
I am coming

Neil didn't said anything to mini n arya he thought to tell them after comming back.....

After seeing him happy both mini n arya were confuse but they srugged it.
Neil- I am comming back I have some some work so.

With that he left.

After some time mini also get message from some unknown no (UN).

UN message~
If you want to save your husband life then come to abc mall.

Mini immediately panicked n decided to go.

Mini- arya don't open door until we come back ok. ??

Arya - ok but what happ....

Before she could complete she left leaving arya all alone.

Mini reach to mall.

Then she messaged unkown no

Mini message~
I am here in mall.

UN message~
Come straight to u

She moved straight n saw isha there.

Mini moved towards isha n asked her angrily

Mini (lill bit loudly)- where u have taken to neil.


《Stay tuned》
Love ♡
Bharvi 👯💫

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