21. Emotional outbrust of mini & neil 💔

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Then they did some chitchatting with lots of fun.

On the other side Neil and nelija were playing when neli's phone rank and caller told that the meeting which was with clients that can't be on hold anymore coz the client also have some work.

Neil have no other option rather then attending the client's and do arrangements for urgent meeting.

Neil- Neli I have some urgent work on the way I have to go but I will surely try to meet you soon you have your phone right I am giving my no ok and what is your room no tell me so I can send you there with someone and now don't come outside of your room ok until your mom comes. Ok ?

Nelija became sad that again she have to be alone but said

Neli- but plz come fast I like to play with you I will miss you

She hugged him. Neil also reciprocated hug. And smiled and said

Neil- I will miss you too.

Both exchanged each other no.s

Neil to one of his guard-  plz take her to her room and make sure she reach safely to her room.

Guard- sure sir

Both went opposite side neil turn and saw neli going. She reached to room and slept due to tiredness and constant playing.


Preet and mini were sitting in car backside infront arya and mickey were sitting. They were seeing the going scenario when suddenly mini spoke.

Mini- you know Preet the second reason why I can't remove Neil's name from nelija.

Preet- No tell me.

Mini- whatever Neil has done he has done with Me. In our fight I can't be a wall between a father-daughter and why I should remove his name.

Preet(smiled) - if the reason is that of father-daughter then why you never told Neil about nelija ?? If you don't want to keep nelija in your and Neil's problem then why you never told neli about Neil or vise a versa ??

Mini didn't tell anything and Preet can see nervousness in her eyes.

Preet hold mini's hand and told.

Preet - I know you don't have answer and I also know that today also you have feelings for Neil.

Mini(hugged Preet and cried)- I have answer but..... ok listen why I never tell Neil about nelija or nelija about Neil coz I only have nelija in my life I don't know at that if I have never get to know about nelija what I have done with my life. And what if neil get to know about nelija and he will take her with him and isha then what I will do ??  and I know if he will take her then he will give his life for her but I can't trust my daughter's life with Isha.

Preet consoled her, after sometime in car only mini slept in preet's lap. She told all talking between them to arya and mickey. Preet was feeling guilty to bring all wounds of past again. Arya was also on the verge of crying on remembering the state that was in past. Mickey and Preet also console her.

At last mickey told sternly

Mickey- From now onwards no one will bring the topic which which lead its path to past.

Preet and arya nodded their head in positive.
They moved their path towards hotel.


Neil attended the meeting and impressed clients and the deal was fixed.
Then Neil went back to their home aha home means his real peace which was the home when mini and arya were leaving their. Their happy family was once their.
He always looks cold by behaviour to other and rude also but his vulnerable state only one can see in this home infront of mini's and arya's pics.

He went inside sat on his rolling chair remembering something. After sometime he stood up and went towards a big glass frame which was having her picture.
He started talking to picture like always he does.

Neil(to pic)- you know today I saw a little fellow she was same like you. At one time I just fell you were near me,I really don't know how but some our habits are also matching. She also has same name which we choose someday. Anyone can melt into her cute and innocent talks. Today after frieking 6 years I got the instance peace in my heart for which I was carving. I will give her all happiness which I can give. (Crying leaning to wall) plz come back. I always thought that I will hate you but I can't. In this 6 years the more days pass the more I fell for you. I can't bear this distance. Where are you ? Plz come back. Why you not trusted me ?? Why you not let me to explain my point of view (Wiping tears). Just one time one time in life I want a chance to show my innocence to you after that I will leave you forever!!!
He was sitting and was in deep thinking just then his trance was broken by a message beeping.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

Hey 👋🏻 guys you want flashback how mini suffered or in continue only ??
Actually I am not able being to come on conclusion that what should I do I should give a proper flashback or continue means not any flashback.

So pls help me 🙏

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