40. Family ❤️ !

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Mini already know why they were ignoring her saw she was thinking to pacify them and second was to tell nelija about Neil.

They were standing when Neil's bodyguard came and said them to move towards car.

Neil was moving but mini was standing there nervously.

Neil Looked back at mini who was looking down.

Neil moved towards mini and cupped her face and made her looked towards her.

Neil- see don't be nervous I am here I am not going to eat you come.

Mini smiled and was moving when she saw neli is clutching her dress.

She immediately understood that coz of guards and other many unknown people's present she is scaring.

She took neli in her arms hold Arya's hand and moved towards Neil.

Neli hold mini tightly. Mini also smiled seeing her.

Neil,mini,neli and Arya in neli's car.
Preet and Mickey in Mickey's car.

All were moving towards mansion when neli saw icecream parlour.

Neli- I want icecream buttercup see.

Mini- no

Neli- no I want plz

Mini- I once said n...

Neil- plz let be if she want to then.

Mini- but...

Neil- no but and ifs I am telling one of my guard to bring icecream.

Except mini all told flavour and the guard went to take it.

Preet & Mickey's car were behind them only. Mini thought something and open car's door.

Neil- where are u going ?

Mini- to Mickey and preet I have to say sorry for not telling them about my moving to USA.

Neil- ok go and come fast.

Mini went towards car and knocked on car's window.

Preet slide her window and saw mini.

Preet- Mickey tell mini I don't want to talk a person who didn't bother to tell us anything.

Mickey- preet you also tell mini now I am not talking to her. As she didn't bother to tell her best friend for moving.

Both moved there face otherside.

Mini signed and called them.

Mini- preet Mickey plz listen to me once.

Preet- we don't want to listen anything now go.

Mickey- yeah go.

Mini- ahh

Preet & Mickey immediately turned towards her and aksed in concerned.

Preet/Mickey- whah happened ??

Mini(teary eyes)- itna pyar karte ho mujhse.

Preet and Mickey looked towards eachother and blinked eyes.

Preet/Mickey- khud se bhi jyada.

Preet and Mickey came out of car and hugged mini.

Mini- sorry guys.

Preet- it's ok yaar.

Mickey- but from now onwards you have to promise me you will not do anything yourself or will hide anything.

Mini- Pinky promise.

Trio hugged eachother again.

They were talking when Neil called mini.

Neil- mini come icecream came.

Mini- aacha we will talk later now by.

Preet(teased)- ha ha go now we know you will not get time for us.

Mini smiled and moved from there to Neil's car.

All sat in car and car moved from there and all enjoyed icecream.

On the way to mansion mini remembered that she have to tell neli about Neil.

Mini(pointing towards neil)- you know neli who he is ?

Neil also looked towards them.

Neli- yes I know he is my buddy.

Mini- Yeah I also know he is your buddy but now I am going tell you something listen me carefully.

Mini- neli he is your father. Like everyone has now you also has a father.

Neli carefully listen to her then spoke.

Neli- but when teacher gave me essay then Mickey bro told that who protects us, who loves us that is father. So you protect me and loves me then how buddy is my father.

Mini- see neli I was protecting you and loving you but now Neil will also love u like me infact he loves you more then me. He will fulfill your all wishes.

Neli went in deep thinking and Neil was shocked as neli didn't give any answer.

Neil looked outside the window to control his tears.

Without saying anything neli hugged Neil which made Neil more emotional. Neil also hugged neli back. He kissed her hair lightly.

Mini felt now her family complete ❤️

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Mini felt now her family complete ❤️.

She was also shedding happy tears.

Neli- papa 💕

Neil cried more hugging neli tightly and closed to his heart.

Neli wiped his tears and asked neil.

Neli- why you don't like I call you papa ?? Why are you crying. ?

Neil(wiping his tears)- my girl this is tears of happiness.

Neil also hugged Arya and mini.

Family completed ❤️✌️.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

40th chapter thank you 💕

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