52. NO danger ! back at normal life.

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Hi guys ! After so long break!! 

He switched on his phone and saw many miss calls from neli,mini and Arya and he realised that they were really scared and tensed for him.

Mini was sitting on bed in deep thoughts.

Neil- what are u thinking ? about me ??

Mini- shut up kuch bhi

Suddenly Neil thought something.

Neil- I want to tell u one thing that business rival was non another then Mr. Ahuja.

Mini(shocked)- what ! Isha's father !?

Neil- yes.

Mini- what u are going to do now ?

Neil- he had ran out of country so couldn't catch him but the two man whom u tied near bed they have been arrested and they only have given statement against mr. Ahuja.

Mini- ohh.

Neil- so now I think we can move out from here as security is Also doubled and there are no more attacks.

Mini- hmm good night.

Neil- good night.

Both slept.

Isha's father is not only made them his point coz of business but also coz Neil never accepted isha his daughter so his anger increased and secondly for one of the most imp deal which Neil rejected to with him due to some problems so he is behind Neil to take revenge.

Next morning.

The atmosphere was pleasant and cool. In room four were sleeping peacefully. Neli was sleeping completely on Neil and Neil was holding her protectively and sleeping. Arya's head was on mini's shoulder and was holding her and sleeping.

That's when mini's sleep got disturb by Neil's phone which was continuously ringing.

Mini made Arya lie down properly and took phone.

~ on call.

Mini- hello !

Guard- hello Mam plz give phone to sir.

Mini saw towards Neil who was in deep sleep.

Mini- he is sleeping if u want you can tell me I will pass the message to him when he will wake up.

Guard- no mam it's not like that I called you coz sir told me to clean rooms and which is ready so u all can come out it is safe here and if any problem occurs we are always present at ur service mam.

Mini- that's so sweet of u thank u.

Guard- ok mam.

Mini disconnected the call and lay down again but her sleep was gone far away so she decided to go outside.

She opened the door and moved outside to check if everything is alright or not.

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