50. Moments of father daughter 💝

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Finall after long time here is update. ✌️🤗

If you forget then plz read ahead chapter.

Ignore mistakes.

He went neil closed the door.

Neil- neli arya take this chocolate.

Neli and Arya took it and started eating it.

Mini came there.

Mini- who gave you both chocolates ?

Neli/arya- papa/Neil.

Mini gave a glare to neil.

Neil-abb vo u take this clothes guards gave.

Mini- first you go.

After sometime. Neli & Arya were Playing.

Mini- come sleep now.

Mini made both of them sleep and she also slept beside them. Neil was doing his work. After sometime he also went to bed but he was not at all sleepy he saw mini was in deep sleep. He also saw neli was slowly opening her eyes.

Neil- u r not sleepy ?

Neli(made faces)- No.

Neil- come with me.

Neil stood up and took neli in his arms and made her sit on small kitchen slab.

Neil- umm what would u like to eat ?

Neli was thinking cutely keeping finger on her chin.

Neli- yes icecream yummy yummy.

Neil- yes me too.

Neil brought ice cream from fridge in two bowls . He forwarded one ice cream bowl to Neli.

Neil- u like it ?

Neli- I love it.

Both were eating when Neil spoke.

Neil- Neli u know one secret of your mother ?

Neli(curiously)- which ?

Neil- slowly if ladydon will wake up then we are gone.

Neli(wishper)- ok now tell me secret.

Neil- your mom have anger issues she very easily gets angry on small small things. She sometimes suddenly becomes lady don.

Neli- or fhir papa dar jate hai buttercup se. (😂🤣)

Neil- no way I am not scared of anyone not of your buttercup also.

Mini spoke from backside.

Mini- accha ?

Neil and Neli widens there eyes and hide there bowl backside of them.

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