24. Neil-Arya-Nelija ❤️✨

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Neli saw arya. She came down from Neil's arms and moved towards arya. She held arya hand and move towards Neil.

First when arya saw Neli with neil then she wants to take nelija away from neil but after seeing there bond she thought she can't separate a father-daughter.

Neil saw her and went in thinking

Neil(in mind)- why I feel like I have seen her early somewhere. Why I feel again like someone very close to me is standing here.

Neil come out of his thoughts and told his name.

Neil- hi girl !! I neil Oberoi n you ??

Arya was still in shock so she doesn't react anything she was still in deep thoughts!!

Neil was confused by seeing no action from arya so he saw towards nelija and asked her in gestured what happened to arya.

Neli also saw this and shake arya and arya finally came out from thinking.

Arya- Hello! Arya.

Now neil was again shocked so he went in deep thinking that this girl name also arya.

Seeing both lost again again irritated nelija spoke angrily.

Neli(lil bit loudly)- if you both again again want to go and deep thinking of yourself and talking to yourself then I am not gonna talk with you both anymore.

She turned towards other side angrily with red nose and red cheeks and started blabbering just like mini.

Neil and arya finally saw towards neli and smiled seeing there little munchkin angry. Neil move towards her sat on knees.

All present there were shock becoz they never saw India biggest businessmen and millionaire to sat on knee for a ordinary girl.

Seeing this one of his bodyguard came and try to speak.
Bodyguard- sir how can you...... before he could complete Neil sawed his palm to stop. And there only he stopped speaking and moved few steps backwards.

However neil is rude, arrogant and can't tolerate anyone's mistake but the workers also know how kind and helpful person he is. So all worker,assistant and his guards all respect him and his orders and they also know if they will do mistake then Neil will definitely fire hm/her from job but then also he will send some money by another person so that he/she can live there life peacefully.

Neil to neli- so you are angry ??

Neli (cutely)- No I am not that much angry but plz don't talk you yourself as I am also here.

Neil - ok as your wish.

Both said sorry to nelija and neli aslo cutely pardon them.

Then trio went to park followed by Neil's guards.

In park ~

Neil and neli were playing sometime near swings or sometimes near slides. Arya was sitting and adoring father daughter pair.

Arya(in mind)- I thought I will tell to di but no I can't tell neli in this years I have seen her happy but this smile is different when she is with Neil so I can't be a barrier between a father and daughter.

Neil saw towards arya who was continuously gazing them.

Neli was playing so Neil went towards arya and sat down on bench beside her.

Arya was first time sitting with him after 6 years so she was frightened(after all she is also a small girl of 11 years) but she composed herself and asked Neil

Arya - hmm what is your name ?? (she knew his name but she doesn't want want her to recognise by him and second when first time he told her name she was in shock so she didn't listen his name)

Neil- Neil Oberoi

Arya - ohh ok

Afterwards neil and arya were talking randomly when Neil ask one question which make arya shock and confused at a time.

Neil- what is nelija's mother's name ?? I mean your mother name ??

Arya was about to reply but they hear Nelija crying.
They both immediately ran towards her and saw.....


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

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