16.Remembering 1st anniversary

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*special part*

It was midnight 12:00 o'clock both mini and Neil were sitting in there respective rooms balcony and eyeing moon and stars filled black sky.

Both spoke at the same time but at different places far from eachother still they can sense each other feeling.

Mini- Happy anniversary Neil
Neil- Happy anniversary mini

Neil - I don't if you have remember me or not but I will always there for you I Know that I have not done mistake and I will prove it as soon as I reach you.

Mini- Neil I remembered you on our special day I don't know if you have even remember that I was at some time your lifeline. Even if you have forgotten me I don't have any problem coz I have the best memory of yours with me (ie. nelija)

Neil- How I wish that days could come back when we were together and today also I want to see and celebrate our special day with you but I know I can't so like always from 6 years I celebrate this day with your memories and today also it will same repetition only. (Tears dropped)

Mini- I know you will never come to me coz I know you have already moved on. And if you have not moved also then also I am will never come back to you after your betrayal (wiping her tears). All these year in our anniversary I remember the our 1st Anniversary celebration and this year also I will cherish those memories.

Both went in flashback with close eyes to cherish those memories forever no matter what they will be together or not.


The day was most beautiful and special for the two soulmate's who were truely in love with each other and gonna be with each other till eternity.

It was morning time two love sick people's were sleeping in each other's arms peacefully after somethime Neil got up from bed he didn't woke up mini and went to freshup afterwards he quickly grabbed some toast and moved out of the home to office. He knew that today was there anniversary but didn't wished mini as he wants to give surprise.

At morning 9:00 mini woke and saw time and frowned how could she sleep this much late. Neil already messaged her that he has his breakfast and he leaved early for work he has some important work on the way. Mini also not wished him coz she also want to give surprise.

Both mini and Neil remembered their anniversary but both do not wish each other as both want to give surprise.

After finishing her house work mini went with arya to Preet's home to keep her for 1 day. And she assure arya that she will surely came back early morning to take her. Preet also wished mini and after long teasing session from Preet and arya they let go mini as she also have to prepare for surprise.

Neil has lied to mini that he has important work but he really got an important work And it can be finished till 7:00 🕖 pm. So he cancelled all his plans and thoughts to do something simple yet special.


At around 7:15 he reach his home home the hall was dark so he directly move to his room and now he already know that a surprise is waiting for him. But when he on the light the room was as usual like everyday no decorations nothing. So he directly went to BR to freshup and thought to find mini in home coz he know mini will not sit as usual she has surely plan something.

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