13. In India ✌🏻

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In 3BHK house in living room a dark horror room a man is sitting on rolling chair n lost in memories with his lovely wife. He had tears in his eyes, he was lonely, he is sad, he has guilt,he is in pain. He got up from chair on the light of the room n there are all around on walls a pics of two girls more pictures of only one girl. That is none another then mini and arya. He caresses mini's pic then lean to wall and cried his heart out and that man was none another then Neil Oberoi.
He was now arrogant, rude, introvert person from outside but from inside he was still soft-hearted person. He is now the billionaire of the country. One of the biggest company is under his control. He has been so much guilt for not finding his wife and for this thought to overcome he has done so much hard work that he is now on top but still he can't forget his wife. He want to forget all memories related to mini and arya that he leaved that house and bought new mansion but indeed of leaving that house he made the whole house of her pics cute, laughing, chirping, and what not.
He decided that he will never come back in that house but in mini and arya's pic he get a lost peace to his busy routine. If he see there pic he can also forget his anger easily. He daily in a week 1 day visit this house to share his pane, loneliness and cry his Heartout. He also has open many orphanage for orphan childrens. Now most of the free time he spend his time in his own gym in his mansion.

Oberoi mansion.

- Inside many servants were doing their works of cleaning, cooking etc etc.
- One black marcedes car enter the main gate and as soon as all get to know that there boss has returned they started there work more silently n whole mansion was silent coz there boss has an anger issue. If anyone do any mistake he/she has to see neil's wrath.

Neil while entering the mansion.

Neil(almost shouted) - Isha!! Isha!!! Where are you ?? Dammit come here now.

All workers got scared 😱 but one worker came ahead with courage and told

Worker - mam is in her room sleeping doctor has given her medicine.

Neil- doctor ?? Why doctor ??

Worker - coz mam was having high fever coz of stress and she fainted so

Neil - ok you can go.

- Neil is not at all worried about isha he was calling her coz he has some work. He also don't want her to stay with him but becoz of mini's last wish he is bearing her still.

He move towards his room which is black n grey in colour like his life. No one dares to come inside his room. He clean his room himself.

After changing clothes he sat in balcony and started doing his work after sometime he put his work aside and started staring at sky lost in his thoughts

Neil(in mind)- Mini, my real love, my life I have not seen her from past 6 years. Where are you ? What was my fault that you left me ? After she has gone my life has became almost dark. I have everything whatever I want everything is there with me but that peace after to my heart which get after seeing u is not there. How must be looking ? Beautiful like always. (he smiled) but what if she has forgotten me ? What if she has moved on with other person better then me. It's ok she has the right to move on. It's her life her wish but if she has moved on then why I can't take out my mind and heart from thoughts of mini. Is there something special of us which is not with me and is with mini that that thing cannot detach my mind and heart from mini. No how can this possible. I am overthinking must be she has been moved on. Now I have to sleep tomorrow schedule is tight.


Three lazy people were sleeping Mickey,neli and Arya and mini is continuously trying to wake them up but they are not moving also.
In mini's mind tuffani idea came.

Mini(in neli's ears)- baby if you will not wake up then you can't see india you will miss your flight.

With listening this neli sat straight and directly move towards BR.

Mini(now Mickey) - Mickey you want to be unmarried for whole life ?

Mickey (still sleeping)- No

Mini- then wake up we will be late for flight and u will be unmarried for whole life.

Mickey- what ? No ! Never !! I am going.

With that he directly move from there
And mini laughed uncontrollable on seeing his condition.
Becoz of mini's laugh Arya wake up and said

Arya (seriously)- di! What are you hiding your pain behind this fake laugh.

Mini- No... No ....I..... Am ....no. .not.

Arya- you can't you can never lie infront of me then why are you trying I know your heart is paining just like mine hearing the word of I from india then why so ??

Mini- coz of my best friend you know in very difficult time of our life they both have supported us. If they have have not helped us at that time then we would not be here now. I can never consider my pain and struggle infront of there happiness.

Arya hugged her

Arya- you are best.

Mini- hmm now go and get ready fast I have prepared breakfast and also packed your three lazy beans bags also.

Arya - ok thank you and we will always be lazy beans coz you are always there to do do our work and take care of us.

Mini- haha !! So funny now go !!

Later they had there breakfast and left for flight to india.


- after 15 hours long tiring journey they finally landed in India.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

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1022 words longest chapter of my book !!!

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