28. A happy time together ❤️

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Neli- buddy I want to go with my buttercup and I don't want to stay here. I don't like this mansion. Here people are so scary. Plz I want to go with my buttercup.

Neil was broken hearing all this.

He immediately carried nelija in his arms and console her.

Neil- shh !! Shh ! Don't cry I am here no one will do nothing to you plz don't cry.

Neli sobbed sliently and fall asleep in his arms only. Neil smiled seeing her cute face and angry seeing her blood.

Neil turned towards isha and said.

Neil(angrily)- this time I will not leave you don't have humanity how can you harm a little kid.

Saying this words to isha he moved outside the mansion towards car. All other guards also followed him as soon as he step outside the mansion.

Isha has not at all regret what she has done. She moved towards her room like nothing happen.

She was not scare of Neil coz Neil said but will do nothing as mini has given him promise to protect her.

On the other side Neil reached hotel back with nelija sleeping in his arms protectively.

Arya was already present there as Neil has called her when they were coming.

As soon as they entered all stopped there work as they were shocked to see neli in there Neil sir's arms.

Arya also came there and saw blood comming out from neli's forehead.
She immediately took neli from Neil arms.

As soon as Arya took neli Neil felt his whole world is taken from him.
Arya immediately and slowly with lil bit anger asked Neil

Arya- How did this happen ??

Neil- plz first do her first aid then I will tell you.

Arya- hmm

Then they moved towards rest room. They made neli lie on bed and Arya started doing her first-aid.

After it was done again Arya asked Neil.

Arya- Now tell me How happened this??

Neil was about to answer but neli started blabbering in her sleep.

Neli(still sleeping)- No...no plz I will never go there buttercup I am comming to you.

Tears 🥺 started to flow from both eyes as they heard neli.

Arya composed herself and asked him with more anger.

Arya- where you have taken her ?

Neil(emotional less)- my mansion.

Arya- why you have taken her ?? And how did this happen ??

Neil(looking down)- coz she told she wants to go. He told her that when she was playing what isha did with her. He told everything except that he made that room for Arya.

Arya was shocked and angry on Neil and isha both but she didn't say anything in anger to Neil coz she can clearly see guilt in Neil's eyes.

Till now Neil was also crying.

Arya- it's ok plz don't cry. It happens  It was not your fault. 

She wiped Neil's tears and hugged him. Neil also hugged her back.
Both get immense peace as they were this much close after 6 years of separation. Both parted. 


After sometime neli also woke up.

Arya and Neil saw her.

Neil- I am sorry from now onwards I will never ever take you there. I am really sorry.

Neli(smiled)- it's ok buddy it is not your fault.

She wiped Neil's tears which were flowing and hugged him. Neil smiled.
Arya was adoring both when Neil spoke.

Neil- why are you standing there come.

Arya ran and hugged both of then together.

Trio hugged eachother.

Arya separated and said.

Arya- I am hungry plz bring food and neli also has not eaten anything.

Neil- ok I am ordering food.

Till food came nelija and Arya were playing with Neil happily.

Food arrived neli and Arya were about to eat but they saw Neil and forwarded food to Neil.

Neil happily took bite from both. He also feed both.

After completing food all played together forgetting incident which happened.

After sometime Neil left and neli and Arya to there room.

Both were so tired that they both slept.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

Any guesses how mini will rect after knowing neli's injury ?? 

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