9. Final sepration 💔

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Isha - Nowhere I came here to give you proof that your husband n my neil doesn't love you. You both sister's are just burden on him.

Mini was shocked but she can't unbelieve neil n believe this girl.

Mini- you are just liar. I don't believe u I trust neil. He will never think like this of me n arya. He truly love us.

Isha- ok ok I knew that you will not believe me so I also bring proof with me.
Mini was shocked.

Mini- I don't beli........

Isha - see these then answer me.

- she showed the picture which was taken when he was drunk n in that picture she was with him (3rd part).

Isha- you know whenever he says you that he has lots of work so he was coming late but no he has been with me always.

Mini was on verge of tears but she still can't believe isha coz she know isha always speaks lie.

Mini was again about to speak but again isha said

Isha- wait wait I know you would be thinking I am telling lie and this picture is also edited but no this is a freaking reality n then also you don't believe me then I have better proofs then this.

She shared some recording.

1.Neil- I am ready to leave mini and arya.
(Reality- I am not at all ready to leave mini and arya)
2.she is all burden.
(Reality- just shut up she is not at all burden. She is the purest soul)

Mini was shock to core she was sheading tears but still she doesn't loose hope to being him with her.

Isha- Plz save your tears see this message I have done him before messaging you. See I have messaged him to meet him n he said he is coming.

In mini's mind some flashes came of past.
1. Neil angry on arya
2. Isha's instant hug to neil
3. Neil was smiling reading the message n he even lied to them that he has some work.

Mini sat on floor crying.😢😣
Isha made her stand n said

Isha- plz leave him. You both are just burden on him. He loves me n he also want to stay with me but he is not coming coz he has responsibility as u both. So plz leave him. And give him some peace.

(Churail lied all this things to mini 😠😠😠😠)

Mini without saying anything left from there like lifeless body not having soul in it.

Isha smirked and left to park.

On the other side neil was impatiently waiting for isha as he was thinking he was getting rid from isha n finally he will be living peaceful life with arya n mini.

Isha reached park n saw neil impatiently waiting for her.

Neil saw n came towards her immediately and asked

Neil- tell me all your demand I will fulfill it just leave us.

Isha- I told you first only I will not spare u like you have make my life hell I also did same with you.

Neil was confused...

Isha then showed him the video of her n mini's talks.
Neil was shocked n verge of tears but he composed himself and snatched mobile phone from Isha's hand n hold her hand tightly and moved towards his home.
Isha victory smile faded.
She tried her best to stop him but no use he was holding her hand very hardly in angerNess.

They reach his house n what they made neil fall on kness n Isha's evil victory smile.

They show mini n arya leaving the house with their things n bags.
(Mini already told arya everything)

Mini n arya saw them n neil on kness crying like hell.

Mini move towards neil made him stand n said

Mini (smiling) - I love you to the core but maybe I was not in your destiny.
(She kept neil's hand in Isha's hand)
Plz take care of her n plz this is the last wish of me to you plz don't leave her.never.

After this both mini and arya left 💔

Neil again sat on kness crying mercilessly😢😢💔

Ps- the bracts part (recording) are know to us only hope you people are not confused.

The story is not over yet .

《Stay tuned》



Hope this part is long ??

Reactions are awaited specially for this part of story....

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