34. Mini insulted Neil 🥺.

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In morning all were resting in there rooms as marriage was at night 8:00 pm.

As sunlight fall on mini's face she woke up saw most beautiful scene infront of her Arya and neli were sleeping by hugging eachother peacefully. And in this scene took mini into again past memories.

~ before 6 years.

After Arya said she wants to drink water mini made Arya sit on nearby bench and went to take water in nearby stall. Mini soon came back with water bottle and hand it to Arya. After drinking water. Arya rested her head on mini shoulder. They were sitting there only. After sometime mini hear slient sobs. She looked towards Arya who was crying sliently.
Mini asked worriedly.

Mini- what happened ?? Why are you crying ??

Arya(with hiccups)- I....want to go with Neil back.

Afterall at that time before 6 years she was 5 year little girl.

Mini was shocked as she said Arya all things Neil done with them then also Arya wants to go back with him.

Mini kneeling to her level and cupped her little face and said calmly.

Mini- why you want to go back with him ? You know na what he has done with us ? He has a new life with new person we can't now infere in his life now right ?? So plz don't cry I can't see you like this.

Arya(still crying)- but....I miss him 🥺..

Mini signed as she also can't make her understand more.

Mini was thinking something Arya fainted on her shoulder.

Mini(worried)- Arya !! Arya !! Wake up baccha what happened ??

She touched her forehead which was burning with fever.

Mini suddenly heard nelija calling her and she again came out of past lane.

Neli- buttercup !! Buttercup !! Where are you lost you know I was calling you from past 15 min.

Arya was also awake but she was not saying anything as she know what mini must be thinking.

Mini- sorry soory I was thinking something. What happened !!??

Neli- nothing happened it is finally morning so now what to do.

Mini getting up from bed.

Mini- what what to do come both with me in bathroom.

Three were standing infront of bathroom mirror and brushing.

After that they fresh up and came out.

Mini(in mind)- I have to go to hotel back to take my stuffs but what If my dream comes true no no I can't so I will go alone I will not take neli with me never.

Mini- neli arya go with preet I have some work I am going to hotel.

Nelija(in mind)- if I will also go to hotel then I may be can met buddy i will also go with buttercup.

Neli- I aslo wants to come I will come.

Mini- no

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