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After sending video to preet and mini. Preet saw video immediately and was equally shocked as Mickey so many thoughts were running in her mind.

~ on call

With trembling hands she dialed Mickey's number.

Mickey also picked up her called immediately.

Both were not speaking anything but having a relief in there silence as of now there friend will be happy. Both were having happy tears in there eyes as they have saw how mini suffered.

Mickey broke the silence

Mickey- you ...u saw the video right ??

Preet- I don't know how..how..

Mickey- I know I know now first of all go and tell mini all the things.

Preet- yeah yeah I am moving towards her room only.

Mickey- I and Neil are coming there only.

Preet- ok.

~They ended call

Preet went towards mini's room and knocked the door but it opened itself only.

Preet went inside on the light and called her but no response was there.

Preet went in bathroom but there also mini was not there.

Preet(in mind)- yeah mini kaha chali gay woh bhi itna jaldi bina bataye.

She called mini's no but which was also switch off.

She was moving out from room by trying her no. but she saw some papers which was hand written and was lieing on bed with paperweight on it.

She immediately move towards it and took papers.

~ letter

I know preet-mickey when you guys will read letter I will be not there. Sorry I didn't told you guys I,nelija and Arya are going back to USA. As of now I saw Neil and I know he will definitely try to find me neli and Arya and I don't want to go back with him. And I know if I have tell you guys then you will not let me go Plz ho sake toh mujhe maff kardena. I am really very sorry but I can't give my nelija to Neil.

- your mini.

Paper fell from preet's hand she sat down on floor with a thud. She doesn't know what to do. She was litterly crying.

Preet (in mind)- why you did this that to without telling us. Why you didn't trust us. I am very angry at you.

Her trance was broken by call.
She thought it is of mini she immediately picked it and said.

~ on call

Preet- hello mini mini

Mickey- hey I am there what happened ??

Preet cried holding her mouth.

Mickey panicked hearing her cries.

Mickey- what happened dear why are you.....

Preet- woh she left

Mickey- who ?

Preet- mini she left to USA

Mickey- what how do you know !!?

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