41. Neli is scared 😨

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Sorry 😞 for late.

After sometime they all reach at mansion.

Security checked all except Neil. The security was about to check neli but Neil stopped him and took neli with him. All followed him.

As soon as neli saw mansion again. She extremely became sacred and she remembered Isha.

She was holding Neil's hand she left his hand and ran to mini who was walking backside only. 

She clutched mini tightly and hold her hand tightly and tears form in her eyes. Mini and all saw this.

Neil became worried as he can't see tears in neli's eyes. He was coming towards neli but neli cried more and hold mini more tightly.

Mini also became worried she bend to her level and ask her softly.

Mini- what happened baby ?

Neli immediately hugged her and cried more.

Mini saw towards Neil and again at neli.

Mini- neli tell me you tell me all things right then tell me what happened (wiped neli's tears). Why are you crying ?

Neli(sobbing)- I don't want to go inside... she..she will again scold me and and....

She cried more hidding herself more in mini.

Mini was confused but Neil and arya now understood everything that why neli not wants to go inside.

Mini was rubbing neli's back to calm her down. Mini has also tears in her eyes as she never saw neli crying and scared this much.

Neil- mini plz come I want to talk you something imp.

Mini- hmm

Mini stood up but neli cried more 😢.

Neli- no buttercup plz buttercup plz I don't want to go inside.

Neli- but we are not going inside we are going to garden. And she will not do anything to you I promise. I am here to protect you.

Mini was again confused that how Neil know.

As soon as Neil said that sentence neli immediately from mini went to Neil. Neil also hugged her back and was feeling very hurt as neli was crying continuously not stopping only.

All made there way to garden area.

All settled down on chairs present there

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All settled down on chairs present there.
Still neli was in neli's lap sliently sobbing. Neil was caressing her hair.

Mini- now tell me neli why u don't want to go inside ?

Neli was scared to answer it so she didn't said anything and hide her face in Neil's neck.

Neil patted neli's back and looked towards Arya and then towards mini.

Mini- what happened and yeah I remembered I have to ask you how neli and Arya know you !? 

Arya- who...I...neli......an..and..

Mini- arrey say it clearly what are you trying to say.

Neil- mini listen to me carefully then do whatever u want to do.

Neil- I met neli in hotel...then I took her daily to many places one day I brought her to mansion and here isha....

And he told everything what isha did with neli.

Mini was first shocked but she looked towards Arya and said.

Mini- you also didn't bother to tell me.

Neil- there is no fault of Arya in it. I only told her and neli to not tell you.

Mini- but then also you hide it from me I will not forgive you easily.

A tear fall from Arya's eye but she wiped it immediately and looked down.

Neil saw neli was sleeping in his arms peacefully. He smiled seeing her and kissed her forehead.

Mini- I will not spare that isha now how she dare to touch my daughter. I will not leave her and (to Neil) you also why you allowed her to stay with you ?

Neil gulped and said fearfully (😂)

Neil- you made me promise that I have to take care of her so.

Mini holding his hand.

Mini- now I am here we will give her a better punishment for her deeds. And will throw out of our life.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

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