27. nelija injured !!! 🥺

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To change nelija's mood Neil got one idea.

Neil took her one room which was locked Neil opened it and there was a room of all pink colour stuff or we can say a room specially made for a small girl to play.

Neil(ruffling her hair)- you liked room ??

Neli- yeah

Then she started playing with  different games which were present there. She was playing smiling and cheerfully forgetting what happened in back few minutes.

Neil went in deep thinking after seeing nelija playing happily.

Neil(in mind)- I can't not not forget that innocent face with tears when mini was leaving from here. Arya I miss you. I want to play with you again like before. I want to bring chocolates for you like I bring daily. I want to back. I really miss you. I made this room specially for you with all your favourites. I thought whenever  you will come back I will give you this surprise but you never came back. I know now you will have became a big girl but then also I have done this all for you. I loved you equally like mini.  I know you also hate me. But I really not betrayed you both that was all plan by isha and in my life I want a chance to prove my self. I never ever expected I will open this room for this any other child. I....

He was back from thoughts by nelija she was constantly telling him.

Neli- plz I am hungry I want food. Buddy I am really very hungry.

Neil - ok you play here I by myself will bring your food today.

Neli was was playing with toys by sitting on bed when isha just passed by and saw neli Playing.

Warning now you guys might feel bad for nelija also here !!

Isha(in mind)- How dare she entered in this room. Neil never allowed anyone to enter in this room. I think she is some random girl came here for work with servants. I will get her out of the room then Neil will be happy by me.

(Writer- abb yeh toh gai Neil ke hath se 😂😂)

- with this evil idea she entered inside the room and started shouting on nelija.

Isha(literally shouting)- hey how dare you to come here ?? You not a person to put your one leg in this mansion.

Nelija pour soul was scared and frightened by isha's words.

Nelija was digesting isha's words when isha came  hold her from arms and throw her out of the room.

Nelija got hurted on her forehead and little blood started comming out as isha thrown her out she was hardly banged her head on near table.

Isha also came out of the room and  locked the door and was again coming towards nelija when neli started crying.

Neli(while crying bitterly)- buttercup I want to go with buttercup. I don't want to leave here.

Hearing neli's crying Neil came there running and saw neli crying by sitting down and blood comming from her head and was frightened by isha.

As Neil saw isha he tighten his fist.

Neil(in mind)- I know she is crying coz of isha. This time I am not gonna leave you but first I have to see neli.

Neil moved towards neli and hugged her neli also hugged him back and said.

Neli- buddy I want to go with my buttercup and I don't want to stay here. I don't like this mansion. Here people are so scary. Plz I want to go with my buttercup. Neil was broken hearing all this.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

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