18. Finally Neil meet nelija ❤️

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After dinner they went to hotel with mickey. As mickey don't want mini with two girls to stay there alone.

They were standing outside the hotel. Mini was again shock to see hotel's name but she again shrugged 🤷‍♀️ her thoughts and went inside.

The hotel name was *OBEROI'S 7-STAR*.

Mini,arya and neli in one room and mickey in other room.

Next day morning,
It was usual day for all but not usual day for 2 persons who are in soul relation but didn't know and they are going to meet each other as strangers and they are none another then nelija n neil.

Trio were sleeping 💤 peacefully just then mini got a call due to call arya's sleep broke but neli was still sleeping soundly.

Mini took the call it was of Preet. She went near balcony to talk.

On call~
Preet- Hi, Good morning.

Mini- Morning (she said lazily as she was still in lill but sleep)

Preet- you all have to come to shopping of me and mickey.

Mini- arey but we have gone yesterday only then again why ??

Preet- coz I have to go again and you have to come.

Mini - ok ok I will come but neli is still sleeping and I don't want to disturb her coz she doesn't get her proper sleep from 2 days.

Preet - so what let her sleep and you can come it's just a work of 1 hour dear.

Mini(after thinking a lot)- ok (still lill but unconvinced)

- mini went back to neil and saw her awake.

Mini - Neli listen to me carefully I,mickey and arya are going for shopping you want to come or want to take rest ?

Neli- No I don't want to come coz I am tired and sleepy also

Mini- ok sleep but don't get out of room and if you want something then just call me ok ? Here is your phone ok ??

Neli - ok but Come fast. She kissed mini's cheeks.

Mini- ok bye 👋🏻 love u

Mini made arya ready and went out of hotel with mickey.

Mini went out of the hotel with cab and just neil's car entered in hotel.
Neil felt instance peace after 6 years he look backwards to see who was there but no one there so he shrugged 🤷‍♂️ his thoughts.

Neil entered inside in most elegant and honoured way in black tuxedo. Any one can melt and get scared under his gaze.

As he entered inside all were shocked as no one know that there boss was going to come. Neil's assistance told all regulate there work. All started there work again but more perfectly and silently as there boss was also there so no one wants to disappoint him.

Neil made his way to his VIP room specifically served for him.
Neil was waiting for clients to finalise there deal.

Usually Neil don't come in hotel he always hold his meetings in his multiplex building but today client's were coming from abroad and the meeting was also very much important for him so he decided to attend this meeting in more professional way.

He was sitting in cabin which was of glass he can see what all work are going outside but outside people can't see of inside the glass.

In room nelija was being bore and hungry also so she decided to move out of room. She silently peep 👀 from to know what's going on outside there was no one on the floor so she moved outside. She was moving and moving she didn't used elevator as she didn't know how to use it n her hands also can't reach there so she used stairs for moving down.

At last she came on last floor where Neil was still  waiting for clients and now she was confused were to go so she moved ahead. As soon as she moved from neil's room. Neil felt some one very close to his heart is there and after 6 years he got real peace and all his thoughts of meeting vanished. Neli on other hand also felt like someone close to her heart was there. Neli couldn't understood her feelings so she moved from there but Neil understood that related to him like mini was there in hotel he also remember sometime before also there was exactly like this feeling and this time he can't let go that person.

So he hurriedly walked and opened the door but again he was disappointed as there was no one but he can't loose hope so he immediately told his guards to bring CCTV footage.

The guards brought CCTV footage of that Area in 5 min in IPad and put it near Neil.

After Neil saw footage he stumbled back but he hold himself and again watch it. He was again shocked as he saw that small girl of somewhat 6 years. She has same brown eyes. Same hair and somewhat same features of mini.

Neil- I want this little girl in my cabin.

Guards nodded and left from there to bring nelija.

Guards went near nelija and called her to come but she was always like scared of strangers so she started crying and calling mini.

Guard - Come with us beta our bods is calling you little girl.

Neli- No I will not come my buttercup told me not to go with strangers. (She said all this with hiccups).

Neil saw all this from CCTV footage that she isn't comming so he decided to go himself.

When Neil entered all were shocked coz there boss never go himself for anything.

Neil to guards - you all stay away from me for sometime I will Handel this little fellow as she is sacred of you.

Guard - ok sir

Neil saw neli as she was scared like a kitten but after guards went she was somewhat not scared.
He bend towards her level. She was also first time not scared of any stranger she also felt someone close to her was there.

Neli - hmm what is your name little girl ? 

Neli- Nelija

With listening this he went in flashback

Mini and Neil were sitting on bed thinking something suddenly mini ask Neil

Mini- in future if we will have baby girl then what name you will give ?

Neil- I will give Nelija. Neil + mini = nilija.

Mini- and what if boy ?

Neil- Nivansh

Mini - your thinking is super cute like you

Neil- that toh I am always.

Mini- huh !! Always self obsessed mind

Neil- hahaha

He came out of his flashback by Nelija voice. She was calling him from last 5 min.

Nelija- sir ! Sir ! Sir ! Where are you lost ?? (She asked in most cutest way)

Neil- but why are you calling me sir ?

Neli- coz my buttercup thought me to respect elders.


Love ❤️

Ignore any mistake in this chapter as I have not done this chapter preview and posting it.

I have written this chapter in super fast way.

Guys in next 10 min my exam is there and here I am posting this chapter so by....... ✌️❤️

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