45. Peace with night talks 😍❤️

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(read the quote in box).

Starting journey of there happy life and happy family ❤️.
With many ups and downs on the way.

After sometime Neil came to Arya's room with nelija he saw mini standing in balcony not at all looking sleepy. Neil made neli sleep and moved towards mini. She was so lost in thoughts that she didn't even feel his presence. Neil kept hand on his shoulder. Mini startled but after knowing Neil is there calmed.

Neil/mini- we need to talk.

Both smiled.

Neil/mini- ok.

Both laughed at there synchs.

Mini- you go to your room I am coming with coffee.

Neil- ok

Neil went from there.

Mini came with one cup of coffee.
Mini moved towards balcony as she saw Neil was already present there.

Mini forwarded cup to him. Neil took it.

Neil- you didn't brought yours.

Mini- no you drink.

(This is balcony I have given in ahead chapter also)

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(This is balcony I have given in ahead chapter also).

Neil- hm ok.

Both settle down on couch present there beside eachother.

Noone was speaking anything so mini broke silence.

Mini- so ?

Neil- so ?

Mini(raised her eyebrow)- so ?

Neil- mini I....I

Mini kept hand on his shoulder.

Mini- you can tell me or ask me anything. I won't judge you. Speak up.

Neil smiled.

Neil- I want to know every little thing which I missed in this 6 year about neli,Arya or you.

Neil sipped coffee and passed it to mini.

Mini smiled and took it.

Mini- you know neli is same as you but she use to Miss your presence but at that time she was not understanding it.

Neil smiled.

Mini took sip of coffee and forwarded back to Neil.

Neil- she is just the sweetest with pure innocence in her.

Mini- and Arya ?

Neil- Arya ?

Mini(sadly)- she has changed a lot in this year's.

Neil- yes I also noticed it. She is not talking to me like before not saying or asking anything. Always somewhere lost.

Neil gave cup back to mini. Mini took a sip.

Neil was still pressing his forehead sometime. Mini notice this and asked.

Mini- whah happened ? R you fine ?

Neil- yeah yeah all fine this headache problem like everytime.

Mini(angrily)- use phone more !! Missing food always. U know to do this only.

Mini looked other side.

Neil- bass ab se pakka aesha nai hoga.

Mini- har bar promise karte ho par apna kam nai chodte.

Neil cupped her face and made her looked towards him.

Neil(puppy face)- ok ok my angry bird.

Always mini melted in Neil's puppy face.

Mini put the cup aside.

Mini- now don't make this puppy face come I will give to a head massage.

Neil kept his head on her lap. Mini caress his hair and started pressing his head.

Neil smiled with closed eyes after felling her touch.

Neil- yes u where telling about Arya.

Mini- before starting only telling you don't take anything in your head. There was no fault of yours.

Neil- ok but say it first.

Mini- you remembered 2-3 days before we left to USA you scolded Arya for chocolate.

Neil- yes so ?

Mini- at that time I told her that if she want anything the she should ask me but after that I don't know what happened to her she never asked herself for anything. Infact after nelija also whenever we go for shopping neli use to do shopping happily she always takes her fav clothes Toys and many things and I never said no to neli nor to Arya for anything but Arya she never take anything herself always she sees only things. And when I see she has not taken anything I give her and she only take that and...

Neil- and ?

Mini- and you know she was missing you more then me. I use to see her in night sometime she cries holding your pic. When we move to USA she was lil bit cheerfull but after I put her in school she was not talking to anyone. In intial days she use to share with me everything then after 2 years I also put neli in school and both were sharing and talking with me all things happen in school but slowly slowly Arya use to talk less with me. I always thought that neli is coming more near to me and on otherside Arya is going far from me.

Mini cried.

Mini- I am not able to give both equal love. I failed as a sister.

Mini- it's like she is breaking from inside & is hidding something from us but is not telling us what has happened with her.

Neil got up and hugged her.

Neil- shh shh ok now I am here with you we will bring our Arya back.

Neil touched her forehead with hers.

Neil lied down back on her lap and pointed towards head.

Mini smiled with teary eyes and started massaging his head again.

They talked each and everything which both missed in eachothers life.

Mini- and you ne.....

Mini suddenly saw Neil was sleeping peacefully by hugging her waist. Mini smiled she carres his hair & kissed his forehead ❤️.

TBC ...

Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

Second update I given today only coz I don't know when I will next...

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