25. Neil-Arya-nelija-2 ❤️✨

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They immediately run towards her and saw her crying by sitting down.

Neil was about to go near her but Arya immediately went near her made her stand and asked her.

Arya - what happened ?? Why are you crying ? Is everything ok with you ? You are hurt then saw me.

Neli (by crying)- when I was sliding the slide my leg slipped and I fall down and got hurt on my knees.

Neil immediately bent towards her level and ordered one of his guard to bring first-aid.

Guards brought first-aid in 5 min.

One of the guard was about to do first-aid but Neil said.

Neil - Not to touch her.

After listening this the guard which was going to do first-aid bend his head down and moved few steps backward.

Then Neil took first-aid from his hand and passed it too arya.

Arya did neli's first-aid slowly and carefully coz the liquid was giving nelija burning sensation.

After first-aid trio were sitting on a near by bench sliently. None of them were speaking. But neli was still sobbing sliently.

So for a change Neil and Arya decided for a icecream.

Neil- now tell me your favourite flavour. We will eat icecream. So flavour ??

Neli(still sobbing)- chocolate

Neil(in mind)- again like me how.

Neil - ok

Neil - see plz don't cry give us your beautiful smile (Neil wiped her tears) if you will not smile then we will also not smile.

Neli(smiled with teary eyes)- see I am not crying now you both also smile.

Neil and Arya gave a beautiful smile to nelija.

Neil ordered three icecream and icecream came in 15 min.

They enjoyed there icecream with full of masti.

After icecream her mood changed she also forgot about her injures. She again started to play with Neil. Arya was aslo playing with them.

After sometime Arya sat down and clicked Neil and nelija pictures.

She was clicking pictures when Neil came towards her and asked her.

Neil - why I feel like I have seen u before somewhere. Do you feel the same with me.

Arya was shocked to hear this so she went in deep thinking.

Neil - hello ? Are you there ? I asked you a question.

Arya - Yes.... Means no I have never seen you or meet you anywhere before we meet first time only.

Neil was not satisfied with the answer his sixth sense says that something is there that he doesn't know but he shrugged his thought and said

Neil - oh ok

Arya - I think we should go now my si..... means my mom time came to come back at hotel.

Neil(sadly) - ok

Arya- Don't be sad. It's ok we will meet tomorrow.

Neil- you know I am already waiting for playing with neli. She is so cute.

Arya(in mind)- why I feel jealousy when he said he will be waiting for Neil. I shouldn't be jealous afterall neli is his daughter and I know what I am to all. Today di is separated from Neil somewhere the reason was I.

A lone tear escaped from her eyes but she wiped it immediately.

Later Neil dropped neli and Arya to hotel and he went back from gate only. 

Neli and Arya were going to elevator when neli spoke.

Neli- today you also enjoyed a lot hena ??

Arya - yeah u enjoyed so I also enjoyed.

Neli- see I told you he is nice we will enjoy.

Neli(excitedly)- you got to know his name ??

Arya(lied)- no I have not asked him.

Neli- ok

Neli- but don't tell all this things to buttercup. If she will get to know she will not allow us.

Arya - I know I will not tell her don't worry you.   

Neli(dramatically) - ok thanks

They reach near room and was shocked cause mini was already present there so they were afraid what they will tell to mini.

Both came inside and saw that mini was already sitting there angrily.

Mini also saw both and so faked anger.

Mini - where were you both ??

Arya- we both were being bore so we went to nearby park for playing.

Mini immediately came and hugged both.

Mini - you know how much I was sacred. Plz don't do like this again. If you want to go then tell me and go.

Mini checked both that anything happen or not then she saw nelija's injured leg.

Mini- how happen this ?

Arya- she was playing near slides and she slipped from slide and got injured.

Mini nodded and not asked any questions further.

Then they ordered food and ate it and slept as it was near slepping time. 


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

My exams are cancel so I thought now I am free but not my mom is not sparring me she told me do some of the Household chores and most importantly to learn cooking which I hate the most.

So I will update daily at night 🌃 between 10:00pm to 11:00 pm

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