29. Neli & Arya escaped from mini !!

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Both were so tired that they both slept.

At late night after completing her work mini came all tired but as soon as she saw two most important people  of her life sleeping peacefully a smiled appeared on her face.

Seeing both from far away she went to change her clothes.

Afterwards she came near bed and was about to sleep but as soon as she saw a bandage on neli head she was shocked and a tears also escaped from her eyes. She thought

Mini (in mind)- I am sorry baccha I am not able to take care of you  I am  leaving you both alone hear in this strange place and going out but from  tomorrow onwards I will not leave  you both a second also. I will not allow you both to go away from me anymore.

She kissed both on forehead and slept in one go as she was also tired from work.


Next morning ✨

Neli was first one to wake up from sleep. Neli immediately and tightly hugged mini as she missed her so much.

After sometime she waked up Arya also.

Both saw mini was still sleeping there and was looking uber cute.

Neli and Arya were adoring her when mini woke up and saw her Angels were staring her.

Mini saw time it was 8:00 in the morning.

Mini(shouted)- OMG !!!! It is 8:00 and we have to reach there for mehndi,sangit and all other functions at 9 and why you are both staring me come fast(said getting up from bed) I will give you both bath then I also has to get ready.

She was continuosly blabbering and taking out clothes from suitcase.

In this all choas see totally forget to ask nelija about her injury.

Neli and Arya were standing on bed keeping hand on there waist they first saw eachother then at there mini who was continuosly speaking ongoing.

Arya/neli- just take a chill pill jaan.
(Writer- my fav line 😂)

Mini- what chill pill ?? This is not your USA so that I will chill here. Come fast.

She forcefully made both of them ready after done of them she herself also got ready.

Three were standing infront of mirror in beautiful dresses looking like three angels have came from heaven 😍.....

After taking pictures of themselves they left in cab towards hall for mehndi.

On the way going neli got a message from Neil.

In message ~

Neil- today you are meeting me right ??

Neli- no for somedays I am not gonna meet you sorry I will meet you soon after my didu marriage.

Neil(sadly)- it's ok I will wait for you. 

After there conversation was over neli was playing game in her phone. Mini saw this and told her.

Mini- keep the phone aside n talk with us.

Neli kept her phone.

They were talking randomly when suddenly mini remember to ask about neli injury.

Mini- Now tell me how you got this injury on head ??

Arya- aa... Woh...she....

Mini(raising her one eyebrow)- tell me clearly what happened.

Neli(nervously)- woh buttercup I.....was.

Before she could complete her sentence car stopped with a Holt.

Mini saw outside the window as they reached there destination.

As soon as car stopped Arya and Neli opened the door and got out of the car and ran towards preet and hugged her who was standing there only outside waiting for them.

Preet was equally happy to see neli and Arya after 2 days so she also hugged them back.

Mini also not asked further questions as she saw Preet.

(So History__Lover1234 and NishikaGupta12  your both guess was wrong 😁 thanks for guessing)

As they entered preet's mom was already present there to welcome them.

Preet's mother told one of the servant to take them at preet's room.

Mini,neli and Arya went with preet to her room.

Preet(ruffling both hairs)- I missed you bachas.

Arya/neli- we also missed you.

Preet - you two are looking like fairy today.

Neli/arya(smiled)- thank you

Mini- and I ?? You not complemented me.

Preet(hugging her)- you as Always hot my girl.

Mini laughed at her compliment.

There was some 1 or 2 hours left for functions to start so they were chitchatting of some stuffs when neli slept on sitting chair itself.

Preet stood up and made neli lie down properly on bed.

After sometime Arya also slept beside neli.

Mini(caressing neli's hair)- I don't know preet today I am not getting good vibes. I am feeling sometime something good is going to happen and on other time I am feeling something bad is gonna happen. I....I am feeling like I will loose my nelija.

Preet- God!! Why are you talking like these ?? Nothing is going to happen ok ?? Be always positive

Mini- hmm you are right ok


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

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