22. A caring Daughter!!

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He was sitting and was in deep thinking just then his trance was broken by a message beeping.

After reading the message a unknown smiled appeared on his face with teary 🥲 eyes. Just by reading message he forget about mini and his pain.

The message was from nelija.

In message ~

Nelija - Hi buddy what you are doing ? You have eaten your snacks of this time ??

Neil- No ! I have not done yet and you ??

Neli- I have done and how can you be so careless you know my buttercup always says that we should eat on time.

Neil(in mind)- in last 6 years no one had shown me this much care and no one dare to scold me and this little fellow whom I met just before few hours has started scolding me for not eating food just like mini does whenever I miss my food for working.

His thoughts were again back to earth by message peeping.

He again smiled by reading messages.

Nelija message ~

Offo!!! I knew it again you are lost in your world you know you are just like my buttercup she also sometimes goes in deep thoughts and after calling her 100 of time she come back to world !huh!! 

He stood up and went outside the home reading message.

As soon as he step off the home the guards which were surrounded by the home some moved ahead and some waiting for Neil to go as soon as he came all started walking all guards are around him.

As he reach near car one of his guard open door. As soon as he sat in car the car moved and backside of his car there were 2 different cars for his security.

As he sat in car relaxed 😌 himself he replied nelija's message.

Messages ~

Neil- ok ok soory plz spare me and I will eat food also.

Neli- no I don't believe you I will do a video call you have to accept it and you have to eat your food infront of me.

Neil - ok ok but not now as I am in car I will call you after 15 min after reaching my house.

As soon as he reach outside of his mansion gate was open by his security and two cars which were following him doesn't enter inside as they have to wait outside till neil again come outside mansion.

His car was stopped infront of his mansion.
He got down and went inside. Again there was silent in mansion coz of Neil. And usual Isha was not there.

He order one of the maid to bring food  in his study room.
Food was also as per his requirement. If food is not as per his requirement then he will simply fire her form his job.
So all were working sincerely and step by step.

As soon as food was ready there was a knock on his door.

Neil - come !! Put the food on table n you can go

The maid nervously went inside and put the food on table and went outside as she was hell scared of Neil's anger.

The food was on nearby table he stood up from couch and sat on chair near food which was on table.

As per his daily routine he has no one to talk and eat food expect meetings of business lunch . So this was first time in 6 years he was eating and talking with someone.

As soon as he open the lead of vessel he also called nelija.

She also picked the call in one go without wasting time.

Neli smiled n pick the call.

On call~

Neli- Hi buddy!!

Neil- hola 👋🏻

Neli- Now first complete your snacks.

Neil- ok ok madam doing.

When Neil was doing his eatings nelija was continuously seeing him only that he is completing his snacks or not.

The food which Neil was eating was to much for him there were so many different kinds of dishes.

As Neil completed his snacks. He was full now he can't eat till dinner anything.

Neil- Now speak where you want to Come with me.

Neli- park I want to go park.

Neil- ok but your mom ??

Neli- you don't worry about her I will handle her.

Neil- ok bye now I have a imp work I have To go by I will meet you Tomorrow at 10:00 Am in hotel. See u

Neli- by see u too

They ended there call. 

After half n hour mini came back in hotel. She was she was away too much late but she is also not responsible for that they have done so much shopping.

Mini was coming fastly coz she know she has to listen all the tantrum of her neli for not staying with her and second she was guilty for not taking care of her. This was the first time in nelija's life that she was alone. Alone means not having Mickey and arya also around.

In past whenever if mini get any  work to go in any other state in USA then also she simply denies it coz she never wants to feels nelija lonely.

She was continuosly blaming herself for not staying with her.
She reach infront of room. She took long breathe and open the door and she saw the cutest seen infront of her. Nelija was sleeping peacefully hugging pillow.

She silently went in bathroom freshup and came back and saw neilja wide awake. As soon as nelija saw mini she literally jumped in mini's arms and started her questions.

Mini sat on bed with nelija. Nelija was asking questions continuosly without stopping.

Neli- buttercup what take you so long ? What you bought for me ? Why you came late ? Where is Arya ? Why are you not answering my questions ?

Mini(huffed)- first let me speak you are continuously asking questions also not giving me time to speak. So listen Arya wants to stay with preet so she is with her, I bought so many dresses for you my girl. Now speak are you hungry ?? You have eaten anything ?? You want to eat something ??

Nelija has eaten her food with Neil but that was long back and now she was again hungry.

Neli- yeah I am very much hungry. I want to eat something.

Mini ordered food for both.

After sometime food arrived. Both feed eachother hands with talking about doings of whole day.

Neli told all things ignoring her meeting with Neil coz she doesn't want her mom scolding for meeting a Stranger.

After dinner both slept cuddling eachother.


Love ❤️
Bharvi ✨

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