37. Mickey in neli's mansion !

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Soon it was night time and Mickey and preet wedding was going on. Mini was also standing there but no emotion was there on her face. Whereas neli and Arya were enjoying very much.

Mini was constantly thinking about  deciding  something. Which she was way to much confushed.

Mini- I should do that or not. No I shouldn't do that I should tell him before moving no if I tell then... No I will not. I will go without telling him.

And at last finally she decided her decision.

At last at 11:30 marriage was finally completed.

As soon as neli and Arya fell on bed they both slept coz of tiredness.

Mini on the other side was waiting for them to sleep only. As soon as they slept mini opened her laptop booked three tickets of USA of morning 10:00 and she also booked cab so she can move airport without telling Mickey.

Soon with all prepration to move she slept.

In morning,

Mini woke up made Arya and Neil woke up made them ready with there all bags.

Neli- where we are going this much early. I wants to sleep more.

Arya also nodded her head at neli statement.

Mini- I have a surprise for both of you I will tell u afterwards.

Neli/arya- surprise yeahh. 

But they don't know what blunder there mini is going to do.

Soon they sat in cab and left without informing anyone.

After sometime Mickey also got all ready with all information of Neil to have a talk to him.

Mickey wants to tell mini that he is going to meet Neil but he didn't as he knew mini won't allow him.

So he moved without informing her.

Mickey reached to Neil's mansion.

As Mickey saw Neil's mansion he was surprised to see the mansion as double he imagined.

As he was moving security stopped him.

Security- sir you can't go inside you have permission.

Mickey- abb...abb no

Security- sorry then you can't go you have to take permission or entry card then only you can go.

Mickey- plz listen to me...

Security- sorry we don't want to argue much with you so plz leave.

Mickey turned to go but stopped as he got idea to go inside.

Mickey- hey plz let me I am one of Neil's friend if you don't believe then ask him mini's friend Mickey wants to meet him.

Security- no....

Mickey- call him and ask.

Security called neil' PA and Neil's PA forwarded call to him.

~ On call

Security- sir someone is telling he wants to meet you.

Neil- no tell him leave. 

Neil never meets outsiders as always paparazzi disturbs him in his work always.

Security- sir listen he is telling some mini's friend is there and you know him. So I send or not ?

Neil(in mind)- mini's friend who I don't know but I don't have any problem to talk to him. If he is not related to mini then who else can know about my past life. Let's see who is the person

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