19. Neil and Neilja ❤️

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Neli- coz my buttercup told me to respect elders.

Neil- ok but plz don't call me sir. 

Nelija(cutely while keeping finger thinking 🤔) - ok yeah I will call you ha I will call you buddy.

Neil- ok but where is your mom.

Nelija (while tears in her eyes)- she has gone for shopping and also told me not to come out of room but I was so much hungry so I come out of room and now I am lost.... (With that she started crying).

Neli- I........want.......to .....go to .......buttercup(she spoke with hiccups).

Neil cupped her little face and wiped her tears with his thump and said

Neil- ok I'll give you food and I will also send you back to your mother safely but first stop crying.

She stopped her crying but still tears were there in her eyes.

Neil(in mind)- I don't know why if she is crying then it is paining in my heart.

Neil(he asked hopefully)- So you will be my friend??
(Forwarding his hand)

Neli(smiled n shake her hand with his)- friends.

Neli - So now you can also call me neli coz my buttercup and all other call me that.

Neil- ok neli (in mind ) but I am not able to find this feeling seeing her face I got peace really I forget my rudeness,anger,arrogance all in this 6 years I have talked this much nicely with this little girl she is also a complete stranger to me then also I am helping her and one think I noticed is she is just cute like mini my mini. She is just the small replica of mini.

Again he come to world when he heard neli is calling him.

Neli- buddy!!! buddy!!! What are you thinking again and again.

Neil- Nothing, Now let's go I will give you food and plz tell me your favourite dishes.

Neli- (happily) ok

Neil carried her in his arms and took her from there to his room.

- They settled in neil's room and Neil called one servant for ordering food.

Servant- sir what I have to do for you ??

Neil to neli- what is your fav food ??

Neli(while licking her tongue) - alloo parotha
Again neil was shock as this is also same like him.

Neil to neli- mine to

They both hi fived

Neil to servant- bring two plates of alloo parotha

Servant - sure sir

He left.

Till food come neil started asking some questions to neli

Neil- where are you from ?

Neli- USA

Neil- ohh

Neil - then why are you in India ??

Neli(happily)- for my didu's and bro marriage..

Neil- what is your mom.......
Before Neil could complete servant came back with food.

Servant - sir your order is ready.

Neil just nodded.

Neli- thank you 😊 uncle.

Neil got more overwhelmed by her that how good manners are thought to her by her parents.

As soon as paratha was served neli took morsel but saw Neil was not eating he was just noticing her so he forwarded morsel to Neil by her tiny hands and Neil took it.
Neil also feed her. Neil has tears in his eyes that after 6 years he is getting this much love from someone.

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