Chapter 23

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Another week had passed. Dani, Jae, Tonks and Tulip were turning down each others' suggestions one after the other, even after Jae had drank wit-sharpening potion. (Like, can you ACTUALLY make house-elves go on strike, and would Peeves be impressed if the entire school starved?!)

The four students were now in the Hog's Head inn, hoping that the dingy pub could provide them with some inspiration. When it didn't, Tonks kicked up her legs and said, "You know what guys, let's stop brainstorming for a spell and head to Zon-"

"WAIT!" Dani yelled. "You know how Badeea invents spells sometimes? What if we ask her to invent one-that's destructive enough for Peeves to give us the portrait?"
"Ooh, I have the PERFECT one!" said Badeea, looking up at the beautiful mid-afternoon sky, which was contrary to the usual dreary February haze. "What if we made a meteor shower right over the courtyard? Like, with real meteors hitting the ground? It'll be like the extinction of dinosaurs all over again!"

"That's an idea," thought Dani. "What's the incantation?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Badeea motioned at her painting of a starry night in Hogesmeade. "STELLA CORUSCO!"

The stars painted in the night sky twinkled like the muggle neon lights the Jacksons had decorated their home Christmas tree with on several occasions. "Nice."

"But the problem is, I'm supposed to make a meteor shower happen. I've asked Flitwick after Charms today, he said that there's nothing wrong with the spell."

"But is there someone else at school who's invented spells before?"
"I haven't really found anything in the library either," Rowan flopped onto her armchair. "It can be dangerous sometimes, you know."

"Of course I do, there's a reason why Badeea tests her spells on her paintings first."

"Hey Dani, Rowan, I'm playing exploding snap with my brothers and who gets the points if-" Bill stopped mid sentence. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Spell invention. We want to get some advice on that."

"Don't you two have Potions tomorrow? I've heard a rumour Snape invented spells as a student."
Snape sorted through the bottles of ingredients he'd just gotten while answer Dani and Rowan's question. "Tell Miss Ali that corusco is MEANT to make stars twinkle. If she wants a meteor shower, she'll need another word."
"Did someone say shower?" Charlie stomped over to Badeea and Dani (although he was clearly gunning this at only one of them). "Because that's all I'll take after-you know-"

Dani was unable to suppress her laughter. "Sorry Charlie, you were right, I put frog spawn soap in the prefects' bathroom tub."

"I'll never forgive you for that," growled Charlie.

Badeea turned to the two Gryffindors. "Any words you can think of for shower?"

"Um... Well-shower?"

"I can only think of shower too."

"Is this a Ravenclaw thing?" Badeea asked herself as she looked back at the fountain behind her, which was just starting to thaw after the long, cold Scottish winter. "Wait... WAIT... I have it! STELLA CASCADIA!"

She waved her wand at the painting, and the stars began to fall from the sky, leaving beautiful yellow streaks behind them.

"That's a start! Now you just need to figure out how to recreate the extinction of dinosaurs, and I'll have to see if I can make this prank even bigger and better..."

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