Chapter 19

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"What's the point of Care of Magical Creatures, anyway?! What do magizoologists contribute to the wizarding world? NOTHING!"

"But creatures are cute!"

"Most of them are scary anyway!"

As the sun set over Scotland, Dani was in the courtyard after class with Rowan, and they were spectating an argument between Barnaby, Ben and Percy. Dani wasn't sure she could do anything about the arguing. At least it wasn't about the vaults. The week had been uneventful thus far (and Thursday was already coming to an end), a welcome break for the 15-year-old. Rowan, however, seemed to be getting more frustrated by the moment.

"I give up," the geeky young lady finally said. "It's warmer inside." She turned her back to the mid-January chill and walked towards the large door towards the lower floor corridor. "Ugh, my head hurts..."

"Can't be worse than a migraine, can it?" whistled Dani, her attention still on the quarrel, at least for the most part, even though she was facing her Indian BFF.

"Maybe it c-" Rowan suddenly whipped out her wand and spun around, pointing her stick (made of rowan, no less) at Dani's chest. "I told you death was coming to Hogwarts, Danielle Jackson!"

Dani, in utter shock, took a few steps back. "Whoa, easy there..."

Attracted by the alarming line, the bickering boys looked up as Rowan continued. "Which of your friends should die, Danielle Jackson?"


"Well, if you're R, then YOU should die!" shouted Ben, feeling angry and betrayed.

"Uh... I happen to stand by that statement," Dani said in defense.


Dani instinctively slipped out of the way, allowing the spell to hit Barnaby instead. Mouthing "I'm sorry" to him as Dani pulled out her wand and braced herself, Rowan went in.





The spells connected at the same time, knocking Rowan to the ground, unconscious, at the same time Rakepick ran in.
The next day at break, Ben and Dani went to see Rowan in the hospital wing. Due to a cold breakout at school, Madam Pomfrey banned visitors, but Rakepick happened to drop by at the same time, giving Ben the opportunity to ask some important questions.

"We don't have much, it seems Miss Khanna was under the influence of the imperius curse, much like you were last year, Mr. Copper," answered the DADA professor, her brow furrowed. "To use the imperius curse, the caster must be in range of their target. Anyone else you two know were in the courtyard yesterday evening, aside from Mr. Lee?"

"Percy Weasley was there."

"Interesting. Oh, and Miss Jackson, can we meet in Knockturn Alley tomorrow?"
"So do you think Miss Khanna could be R?"

Dani shrugged. "She could be-her name starts with R, after all-but I wouldn't bet on it. Rowan's been my best friend since before we started here. Plus, she's only just turned 16. She can't be THAT powerful."

Rakepick nodded. "Now, I'm here today to show you something."


Rakepick pulled out her wand and pointed it at an unsuspecting wizard in dark clothes leaning against one of the dusty glass windows of Borgin and Burkes, grimacing at the day's copy of the Daily Prophet. "CRUCIO!"

The wizard dropped the paper. "AAAAAHHHHH!" His screams attracted the turned heads of a few looky-loos down the street.

"Stop! FINITE INCANTATEM!" The man stopped screaming, picked the newspaper up and buried his nose into it again as everyone else returned to whatever they were doing moments ago. "Why?"

"As you wish," Rakepick cackled. "Just know you have an option with this."

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