Yer a Prefect!

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After class, Charlie and Dani went to the prefect's bathroom to meet Bill. When she first walked in, Dani was shocked by the tub sitting in middle. It had many golden taps along the top. Dani couldn't wait to try them out when she had the chance.

"As this year's head boy," Bill told the other two, "today, I'll be briefing you about the duty of being a prefect."

After going through a long list of expectations and responsibilities, Bill finally put away his scroll of 'key points' (Dani thought he'd written out his entire script until about halfway through when she realized that he wasn't going to end anytime soon).

"Now, before we go, I'd like one of you to go meet Elora Dunn, or I'll grab one of the sixth-years instead. Elora is a first-year and I've promised to arrange for a prefect to meet her soon. Can you go?"

"Not me, I need to get to quidditch practice," Charlie shook his head.

"I can go," replied Dani.
"They always say that Gryffindors are reckless and stupid and stuff..." Elora moaned. "I just want to get through school."

"Maybe we can arrange for me to tutor you if you need help," said Dani. "You're lucky you don't have Slytherins on your tail all the time. Besides, Gryffindors have more fun. Trust me on this."

"...You're so cool, Dani. You always go on these adventures with your friends."

Dani grinned. This was one of the biggest reasons she wanted to be a prefect.
The next day, Tulip summoned Dani to the Care of Magical Creatures grove to show her a 'magnum opus'. Yet, when she showed up, Dani saw something quite different.

"I set all of the nifflers loose!" squealed Tulip as Dani looked, VERY bewildered, at all of the small, furry black creatures running around the grove on their cute, tiny legs. "Aren't they SSSSSOOOOO cute?!"

"Sure are... Until they get into the castle and start stealing everyone's watches and stuff," groaned Dani.

"Well... Can you NOT turn me in? For the sake of these absolute CUTIES?!"

"Like I said, we won't think they're cute soon enough. How about a trade-off-I'm going to see Dumbledore after this. So you shepherd them back in and I won't tell him a word. You can have fun with them in Care of Magical Creatures."

Tulip was quiet for a second, then said, "Alright, I'll bring them in."
"Miss Tonks has been caught sabotaging Mr. Filch's office quite a few times over the past years she's been at Hogwarts, and our dear caretaker has been complaining about it," Dumbledore reported to Dani. "I know that many of our students aren't the fondest of him, but he does a lot for our school, in case you haven't noticed. I know that you know Miss Tonks well, Miss Jackson. We're here to come up with an effective solution, since detention and house points no longer seem to do the trick."

Dani thought hard. "Has Professor Kettleburn found his chimaera over the summer?"

"Unfortunately, he hasn't."

"Tonks loves adventure, but seems limited by the school rules. Perhaps she can help Kettleburn find the chimaera." Remembering Dumbledore ambushing her after she left the vault at the end of last year, she quickly added, "Maybe Kettleburn or some other professor can supervise and help her."

"Nice to see that you're learning from your mistakes," Dumbledore nodded. "I'll contact Professor Kettleburn and Miss Tonks on arrangements."
"Makes you wonder," Charlie said as he and Dani strolled through the noisy streets of Hogesmeade, "when your brother tells you about a 'special meeting' after giving you this LOOOOONG lecture the other day."

"I most certainly hope it's NOT a much-longer part two," Dani pushed open the door to the Three Broomsticks. "Bill? Where are you?"

"We're over here, guys!" a familiar voice shouted. (No, not Alex, I'm not making this too easy for Dani.)

They followed the voice over to one of the tables, and Dani yelped when she saw who Bill was with. "Angelica!"

"Hey, I missed you!" said Angelica as Dani sat down next to her. "I hope-"

"Hold your tongue unless you want to hear stuff you don't want to."

"We HAVE been getting in a lot of trouble over the past year," laughed Bill. "I should've invited the rest of the squad but especially since nobody's cursed yet even though school started an entire week ago I'm sure we'd all love a break."

"But yeah, I'd think we'd all like to know what it was like working for Alex instead of Dani," Charlie butted in. "Bill's told all of his siblings tons of stories-about Alex AND Dani, duh."

"Bet your mum told Bill to shut up before his siblings did something silly," joked Dani.

"Of course," said Bill.

"Trust me, you can literally ask someone like Tonks or Tulip and they'd give you the same answer. That was our job-keeping the professors away from whatever the 'big kids' were up to."

"Alex wasn't a prefect in his day, was he?" asked Charlie.

"He wasn't, all he cared about was the vaults."

"And quidditch."

"Looks like we're in hot water then," said Dani.

"She's right... The prefects this year are all-" Bill started.

"Frankly, you never know," Angelica challenged him. "There was this Hufflepuff prefect in my year who was a literal goody two shoes, and was my biggest competition for head girl. And then she ended up in Azkaban after finishing Hogwarts."

"WHAT?!" said Charlie.

"Anyway, what are you doing now that you've finished school?"

"I'm working at Gringotts with Felix."


"Nope. Training dragons."

"DRAGONS?!" Charlie, by now, had stars in his eyes.

Dani had no idea how to react. "I guess we shouldn't have said that..."

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