Animagus Adventure

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"Look, Snape's given my this super important, super secret job," said Merula. "And I need your help."

"There's plenty of people you can ask. Plus, I'm very busy, you know."

"Well, I've heard a rumour that you're an animagus," Merula blurted out. "Just imagine, an ANIMAL sneaking into places and stealing stuff. Nobody'd suspect a thing."

"Who told you?"

"Don't mind that, are you?"

Dani decided not to tell her directly. Instead, she transformed into a dog right in front of Merula's eyes, growling and barring her teeth. Merula backed off as Dani turned back. "I sure hope I answered your question."

"Don't do that EVER again," said Merula. "Anyway, Snape wants a memory potion. Let's head to the library to see what we'll need."
"Alright, so we'll need-"

"Looks like someone's acting suspiciously again," said Madam Pince as she strolled over.

"We're just doing our homework," Dani lied quickly.

"Then how come you're with Miss Snyde here? I thought you hated each other."

"We decided that it'd be nice to sometimes work together outside of vault-hunting."

"And how come you're studying memory potions? If I remember correctly, that's NEWT-level."

"Well, maybe the curriculum changed, because we need an essay on it," replied Merula, dodging Snape's name.

"...Alright. I'll leave you to it," said Pince and she left, her nose in the air.

"Now that THAT'S over with," Merula moaned, "we'll have to..."
"Oh, hello, little dog," said Sprout, putting a last pot into the side shelves. "Did you come from the forest? I can take you to Hagrid-"


Flitwick's little head appeared at the bottom of the glass greenhouse doorway. "Look, can I ask you a favour for my class?"

"Let's discuss this outside. I've been working on some rather delicate plants recently..."

Once she was certain Sprout'd left, Dani transformed back and began to look around. "So Merula said-"


Penny walked into the greenhouse. "I'm gathering ingredients for another potion-"

"Well, I sure hope it isn't dangerous," said Dani.

"Don't worry, I'm just practicing the deflating draught," replied Penny.

"We haven't taught that yet," Dani questioned.

"Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff have. Gryffindor and Slytherin are still at the hair-raising potion," Penny reminded Dani.

"Oh, yeah," said Dani. "While you're at it, would you mind to deliver some alihotsy and peppermint to Merula?"
Hagrid returned to the training grounds as one of the yapping dogs turned back into Dani. "Thanks fer helpin' meh keep Fang occupied. Here's the eel's eyes. Yer lucky I have any."

"Thanks. And do you have any idea where we can get jaberknoll feathers?"

"I dun know fer sure, but I've heard that Dumbledore keeps some in his office," guessed Hagrid.

"Guess that's where I'm headed next."

Hagrid sighed as Dani ran off. "Shouldn'ta told yeh tha'..."
As McGonagall walked towards her boss' office, she couldn't help but think that she was being watched. She'd looked behind her back several times and saw no one. She approached the entrance. "Pep-"

She stopped, turned, and slipped behind a pillar. "Miss Jackson?"

Dani quickly turned back. "Yes, professor?"

"Hanging around the headmaster's office-as a dog. Do you need something?" McGonagall asked sternly. "And I'd very much appreciate the truth."

"I'm helping Merula deliver potion ingredients to Snape, and I need jobberknoll feathers from Dumbledore's office."

"Can I have the ingredients?"

Dani hesitantly pulled out the eel's eyes and gave them to McGonagall. "Penny has some ingredients too."

"I'll ask her for them in Transfiguration, and I'll have Professor Dumbledore get me some jaberknoll feathers as well. I'll hand-deliver them to Professor Snape. And I guess for the sake of it... Five points each to Gryffindor, Slytherin and Hufflepuff for helping teachers out. Run along now."

Dani slipped back into the stairwell, where Merula'd been watching. "I don't think THAT went too well."

"Hey, at least we tried. And we earned house points."

"You better not tap too much into the prefect persona," joked Merula.

"What? We all want to win the house cup, prefect or not, don't we?" Dani laughed along.

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