Chapter 26

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"Ooh, Peevesey can't waaaaait!!!"

Peeves giggled in anticipation as he and Duncan made their way to the great hall, where most of the students were inconspicuously enjoying their dinner. Bill stood guard next to the entrance as Jae walked onto the stage, cradling a heavy crate and flanked by Dani, Tonks and Tulip. He set the crate down, exchanged a few last words with the girls, and lifted the lid off of the crate.

It was just as Dani expected, and just as Peeves wanted: absolute, utter chaos. And it was about to get even more chaotic.

"Over here! I'm head boy!"

Bill led the screaming students out of the great hall-straight towards the training grounds. The grand pranksters shuffled their way into the crowd, and Duncan and Peeves followed the horde of students from behind.

The first students to reach the training grounds were in for a shock: a large, grey troll, swinging it's club made out of a thick branch in the forbidden forest, as if it was ready to commit murder. More screaming, which made Peeves as hyper as a kid on sugar.

"Stand back!" Merula pushed her way out of the group, followed by Diego, and they began flinging spells at the trolls. Liz also found a way to break out of the horde, so she wouldn't have to when the time came to lead the troll back to the forest.

"Guys, I think I know somewhere that's safe! Follow me!" shouted Tonks as she and Tulip turned back to the castle. Of course, the students followed them, as well as Peeves, who backflipped over an ever-bashing boomerang coming his way in the corridor.

Dani, who was now at the back of the line with Badeea, stopped the Ravenclaw at the courtyard entrance, and gave her the signal. Badeea nodded, pulled out her wand and muttered a couple of words. Even more screams as burning meteorites hit the stone ground.

By the time Filch showed up, Dani and Peeves were long gone. Peeves finally decided to give what he promised, and Dani was with Rakepick, who examined the portrait with a wide smile. "Well done, Miss Jackson. I will have a word with Professor Dumbledore for him to take you off detention. Also, expect a meeting as soon as you come back from your Easter holidays, for very obvious reasons..."

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