Howling Halloween Part 3

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After dinner, Chiara and Dani went back to meet up with Cecil in the courtyard.

"So both of you heard NOTHING?!"

Cecil was getting impatient. "We MUST find a way to get Greyback off Hogwarts grounds! Otherwise, the school will be doomed!"

"Um... Are things THAT bad?" questioned Dani.

"Yes, of course!" exclaimed Cecil. "Werewolves are probably the second most dangerous things to the wizarding world, only better than You-Know-Who! That's why I joined the werewolf capture unit-to rid of them, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!"

Chiara seemed horrified. "...Why would you think like that? Like, they aren't all bad, are they?"

"Well of course, they all are!" Cecil lifed his right index finger (just so you know he's not flipping off two 15-year-olds) as if to prove a point. "Wicked, dangerous b*stards, put in this world for all the wrong reasons!"

Chiara took a step back. "Then I'm outta here."


"I can't do this. Not under these circumstances." She turned her back and left the courtyard.

Cecil looked at Dani. "Well-at least YOU don't want out, do you?"

"Of course I don't-but can we continue this conversation tomorrow?"

"Sure. Good night, Miss Jackson."

Dani gave Cecil a nod of respect, then returned to the castle and sprinted after the other girl. "CHIARA!"

Chiara nearly had the wind knocked out of her when Dani swung around her and blocked her path. "What happened? Why did you bail on Cecil? What's wrong with him-"

"EVERYTHING is wrong," said Chiara. "Like, why would he refuse to believe that the innocent Hogwarts fifth-year who is completely normal save for being Madam Pomfrey's assistant is a cold-blooded-" She clapped a hand over her mouth. "Forget I ever-"

"But I thought he was talking about were-" It suddenly clicked in Dani's mind. "Chiara, YOU'RE a werewolf?!"

"I am."

"I didn't know Hogwarts took them. But what happens at the full moon, when you-"

"Madam Pomfrey gives me a potion to stop me from losing my mind when I transform." Chiara shifts uncomfortably as Dani stands there in stunned silence. "What? Don't you wanna run?"

"Of course not. Why would you-"

Chiara sighs. "Let's just say things got out of hand in my first year. Penny was..."

"She's horrified of werewolves, but that doesn't mean we all are. And we were just kids back then." Dani took a deep breath. "It's OK if you don't want to keep doing this. But I do."

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