Chapter 33

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Before we begin...
I found the above link on one of the Datamine Prophet Reddit posts, it's a petition for less full marks events in the game. If you play the game and hate full marks (or you're like me and don't play the game but just want to get rid of this stupid event), then I'd suggest you go sign it.
"I've realized that all these years, I've been scared... For nothing. For absolutely nothing. Yes, I know, magic can be dangerous, the cursed vaults ARE dangerous, but at the end  everything turned out OK. Always. R-Rakepick-told us at the beginning at the year that one of us would die, now we're, like, a week and a half away from summer and the vault squad is still intact. And I'm a Gryffindor, Dani, as you said. It's been five years, I need to start acting like one."

"And I'm glad you realized that," said Dani. "I hope you know how useful you've always been to the squad. And I'll need you more than ever now that... Everything's falling apart?"

"I have your back, Dani. And I think everyone who was in the vault does too. We can work through next year together."

"As do I," said Charlie, practically jumping next to his classmates. "Look, um, there's something else I want to talk to you guys about. Bill seems to be feeling a little down nowadays. I think he'll miss Hogwarts when he leaves. I mean, who wouldn't? Isn't Hogwarts one of the most awesome schools in the world?" totally not my opinion XD (well at least it's better than MY school)

"I guess it beats muggle school, but only because History of Magic is probably the only boring class here. Anyway, are you doing something for him?" asked Ben.

"Well, we're throwing him a SURPRISE FAREWELL PARTY!" Charlie yelled, throwing his arms in the air. "I sent my parents an owl, and told a bunch of our friends!"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Dani raised an eyebrow.

"Um... Patch things up before it's too late?"

"Worth a shot, I guess. When is it?"

"Last day of school. It's a Saturday, so we can go to Hogesmeade. We'll be at the Three Broomsticks."
"I've been spending quite a bit of time in Rakepick's classroom lately," said Bill. He was with Dani in the training grounds. "It's like she's just out to lunch and will be back in the classroom, teaching, in like, an hour."

"I think it's definitely harder for some people to stomach this than others," said Dani.

"I've always loved cursebreaking, but Rakepick inspired me to think about another career path: teaching DADA. I mean, I'm not sure I want to teach at Hogwarts, with a curse even Rakepick couldn't break, but I want young people to be more educated on this subject. It can drastically improve safety in the wizarding world."

Dani nodded. "I still need a subject I can secure an O on in NEWTs."

Bill looked around the now-empty piece of green land. "This was the place you gave me a second chance at cursebreaking three years ago, Dani. And I'm so grateful to you for that."

"Glad to be of assistance."

"Now, what about we end this with a duel, just like we started it all? Let's raise the stakes: the loser has to tell the winner a secret."

"Have you forgotten? DEPULSO!"

Bill was laughing as he crawled back up. "Fine, I did."

"To be fair, I didn't give you a chance. Well, Charlie's my favourite Weasley brother."

"Wait, really?! Why?"

"Because I'm not guaranteed to beat him in exploding snap," said Dani. "And because of those training sessions. But really, Bill, you HAVE helped me a lot with my duelling and DADA, I'll give you that. And I'm still yet to meet four of your siblings. Maybe I'll like pranking with the twins more."

"OK, my turn," said Bill. "Charlie didn't count on me being in the common room when he said that he was throwing me a 'surprise' farewell party. I think it's a good idea, though, surprise or otherwise."

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